The New Cold War
THE Cold War was truly a very fascinating period in time, as there has never been a geopolitical schism of that intensity that anyone could remember, that is still relevant to anyone. Especially in our contemporary lenses that is true. The Cold War produced many intriguing tales that people still pick apart to this day, and it practically gave birth to the spy genre! Some of my favorite stories include the scandal that unfolded in the 1950s when it was discovered that Soviet-affiliated donors had tried to influence the 1956 presidential election! No…wait, that was in 1996, and it involved Chinese financing of the Clinton administration , my bad. Well, there is also the story of how in 1972 it was discovered that a powerful Senator had a Russian spy working in their office for many years, which really is something out of a spy book! Oh…dang, I got it wrong again, that wasn’t in 1972 but in 2013, and it involved Dianne Feinstein employing a Chinese spy for twenty years , until the FB...