About the Blog [and Me]
fellow reader or guest! Thank you for taking the time to browse my blog, and to
come to this page. While I will try to abstain from too much private and distinguishable
information about myself, I want this page to properly serve the function of an
“About” page. As any following grows, it is good for the followed to maintain a
relationship with the following; any disconnect between two groups is never a
good idea.
I will remain cautious and strictly anonymous, as I would prefer to remain for
some time, there is a deal of information I can still discuss.
My Background
the time this is written, and for some time in the future, I am a student (not
just of school, but of various disciplines I am interested in; the [deep]
politics and political theory presented here just two of them). My desire to
create this blog first manifested perhaps around 2019, when I started to become
politically active and conscious. Although, both my circumstances, scheduling-
and motivation-wise, were poor.
however, was until recent events in 2020 forced my hand. I have believed for a
while that the political climate of the United States, especially the conservative side I have a background in, needed a massive change in priorities and doctrine. Trump
inspired me, the radical left invigorated me [to finally fight].
now than never,” is probably what made me finally sit down to create this blog.
I could wait until I was done with school, or I could begin building a
following and momentum now. Plus, running a somewhat punctual blog with a
decent following would probably be a nice addition to a resume. Suffice to say,
several intermeshed factors inspired my move to greenlight the creation of this
blog. I am very proud of what it has turned into so far, and am very excited to
see where it goes in the near future.
personally, beyond the subject of the blog's background and myself, I could
mention my ideological background. I was raised in a conservative Christian
household, although somehow still fell short of that upbringing for a few years
as a youth. Personal events, self-discovery, and even the 2016 election all
pushed me to rediscover my roots. I am self-educated ideologically, reading and
understanding primary texts independently and drawing my own conclusions from
them. Very recently I would say I have matured ideologically, and my political
and spiritual doctrines are firmly set; I don't expect to change
My Stances
greater detail, I can discuss the ideology I have now “firmly set.” To put it
simply, I identify as a libertarian. Nowadays, we unfortunately hear “libertarian”
and go immediately to the likes of stripteasing lolberts at the Libertarian National Convention. Those people, what jokes. You will get snippets of what I believe
in through most of my articles labelled “political theory”. The core of my
beliefs is derived from J. Locke, M. Rothbard, C. Montesquieu, R. Nozick, a few others, and
Christian ethics.
Furthermore, what I mean by
My Goals
My goals and hopes for this blog are twofold. As I stated earlier, my desire to create this blog was because the political climate of my native conservative side needed a massive change in priorities and doctrine; namely, out of conservatism. My political self-education was primarily derived from documents most libertarians would idolize, too, such as the Second Treatise of Civil Government I have cited repeatedly, the Federalist Papers, Murray Rothbard’s For a New Liberty, and [to a more limited extent] the Bible.
Politics in general has become too riddled by Establishment, corporate,
and illiberal characters and beliefs that have disconnected ruler from ruled, that have led
far too many lawmakers to believe they are accountable to the political caste (rather
than their constituents). Pockets are lined by lobbyists, ears are too often
turned away from citizen and voter. All this said, one of the goals of this
blog is to create political momentum for a restructuring of the political
culture of this country, away from who we think we’re opposing but still
serving, and to promote my philosophy.
Of course, but you always have to try.
the goal of this blog is simply to give myself a pulpit from which to speak
from. Short of the aforementioned political proselytism, I simply want a voice.
While I do rely on Google for hosting this site, I am my own ruler and
moderator here. I am not subject to the faceless and nameless moderators on
Twitter, and I have independence. If people learn who I am in the future, they
can come here to see what I have to say. That is the secondary goal I have in
mind for this website.
On Conspiracy Theories
As you might have noticed if you’ve read at least two
articles on this website, I am a bit of what you might call, and the mainstream
media definitely calls, a “conspiracy theorist”. Do I disagree with this label? Of
course not, I believe the Bush-Saudi
clique did 9/11, that’s like the king of conspiracy theories. However, I
disagree with the connotations of this label.
I do not believe in wearing tinfoil hats, in reptilians or a
Zeta Reticulian NWO (UFOs are govt. disinfo, as a future article will discuss),
nor in the ZOG. I am very careful in what I believe in, and I tend to accept conspiracy
theories if [at least] three criteria are fit:
- The conspiracy corresponds with the data points of an event better than the official narrative (e.g., the Lusitania was sunk by the Germans vs. the Lusitania [was a warship acting aggressively and so it] was sunk by the Germans).
- The Deep State would benefit from their being a conspiracy behind an event (the Wall Street syndicate financing WW1 had billions to gain from prolonging the war by instigating America).
- There is nothing proving believing in this theory would be playing into a government psyop (no promoters of the Lusitania conspiracy theory go back to government sources, plus, it can be independently confirmed outside of its promoters; contra UFOs).
- [Optional] Even mainstream outlets acknowledge it (can’t find an example for Lusitania; alternatively, the far-left outlet CounterPunch acknowledges the Clintons’ role in the drug trade).
these criteria, and a bit of open-mindedness and healthy skepticism, so many conspiracy
theories can be discredited. Perhaps I can write an article in the future about
some conspiracies that are pure fiction or disinformation? Maybe, we’ll see.
However, moral of the story is that I am not some loon who gobbles up David Icke
and Alex Jones like a glutton; I am careful with what I believe in.
I believe conspiracy theories are healthy. Architects & Engineers for 9/11
Truth presents a
very enlightening essay on the psychological side of conspiracy theories. Simply,
especially when it regards tragic events (like 9/11), knowing the truth best
helps people mentally/emotionally. Challenging the official narrative promotes
freethought and independence, rather than submissiveness and blind loyalty to
authorities simply due to their “authority”. The things I have learned about
the World since gaining my interest in deep politics/conspiracy theories has
certainly helped me; helped me be more social (to proselytize the truth),
helped me be more happy (because I feel giddy being a [albeit low-profile]
thorn in Their side), and helped me reconnect with organic living (ditching Big
Pharma and returning to Nature).
I a nut? No, but I’m sure that won’t stop people from thinking so. 😊
My Salutations
thank you all very much for taking the time to read this page. Hopefully, this
speaks enough about me for you to get a sense of who I am and what I represent.
I sure think it will, as 10+ paragraphs aren’t really uninformative, hah.
post consistently all over the Internet, not just here, so I direct you towards
my accounts on Twitter and Minds to see me the most
active and frequently. So, if you want to hear more from me beyond this page
and these articles, go check out those platforms.
if not already, you will follow me after hearing what I have to say. Every
follow cheers me up as it represents a growing audience. Additionally, as a
final note, if do you wish to personally contact me - as I do not tend to
patrol the comments on this site - I am more than interactive on social media,
and eagerly await emails in my quite quiet inbox (the.hot.air.machine@gmail.com).
for your time!
- The Hot Air Machine