
Showing posts from July, 2021

Divide and Conquer

THE  political situation in America is pretty awful, and has been for probably up to a decade (although, I’d argue it has always been bad, and has only become obvious in recent years). Every month, every week, every day even, we must watch on in an ashamed stupor as the assembly of people elected to direct with steadfast loyalty our country act like toddlers left alone in a classroom. A simply net positive GDP growth means nothing, because the cogs of the machine have grown greasy and old. As a great exhibit of the condition of our country, recent statistics show a very legitimate desire for secession among certain Americans. This is not good, it is as simple as that. Every nation-state, every civil society, is a human experiment. Locke, who I oft differ to, saw civil society as the consensual assembly of humans under common principles (Locke 2015, p. 77). The State, therefore, is consequently obliged to be sensitive of and accommodating to the human condition; not sensitive or ...