The Climate Tyranny
IF there is one thing in this World that has been as incessantly pushed upon the general public as the great terror to current civilization, it would have to be climate change. Climate change/global warming/the climate crisis is literally everywhere, and climate panics initiated by the media have been making headlines for nearly 130 years. Environmental issues have been militantly adopted by the Establishment, such as the current Establishment administration, who have stated that “climate change poses an existential threat” to everything. The Pew Research Center published the results of surveys in April 2020, showing how an average of two-thirds of Americans have been led to believe in the drastic urgency of climate change. Yes, indeed, climate has become the hot button issue of the century, and a lot of political capital is being bet on it.
However, what is the true nature regarding the climate
narrative? Too frequently, as we have observed, things influenced by
Establishment outlets are far removed from the truth about them. Climate, which
is in a similar situation, must be thoroughly analyzed and its official
narrative reconsidered as a result. Too often has sensationalized or
misrepresented data been used by the Establishment to condone all sorts of
atrocities, like
the vast network of lies perpetuated by the Bush administration to validate the
devastation of Iraq. What might be in store for the World
with this climate agenda is what we will examine and piece together in this article.
official narrative regarding climate change (see page 16) is
this: The rise of atmospheric CO2 is directly a result of fossil
fuel burning, the rise of atmospheric CO2 causes a greenhouse
warming effect, that a measurable global surface warming has occurred since the
Industrial Age began, and that the warming of the Earth (due to artificial
causes) is the driving force behind so-called “extreme weather events”. So,
essentially, CO2 is bad for the environment, the temperature of the
Earth is increasing (and we should tie this back to industrial CO2
emissions), and this warming is causing worldwide climactic alterations. A lot
of the climate narrative does indeed come back to CO2; think about
it, have you ever heard of a “methane tax” or a “nitrous oxide tax”, of
methane-free vehicles, or of SO2-scrubbers?
it is good and logical that we start off with CO2, considering its
boogeyman-style prominence in this subject. The question we must ask is in
response to the first point of the official narrative, “Has the rise of
atmospheric CO2 directly been a result of fossil fuel burning?” Well,
quite simply, no.
of Bristol earth scientist Wolfgang Knorr conducted research back in 2009 that
analyzed atmospheric CO2 and all the relevant data, and came to the
conclusion that “the
airborne fraction of carbon dioxide has not increased either during the past
150 years or during the most recent five decades.”
Knorr is a real scientist who has nearly three decades of experience under his
belt, and despite his research seems to be a supporter of the climate change
narrative, so it is not like this could have been biased research. You can find
a PDF of his research paper here,
and while the language is quite high-brow, the conclusion is simple: “If
process models are used, however, they need to be carefully constructed in order
to answer the question of why [atmospheric CO2] has remained constant
and not shown more pronounced decadal-scale [per decade] fluctuations or a stronger
secular [consistent] trend.”
more study, this time produced by two scientists from the University of
Wisconsin in 2011, studied “long-term
trends in downwelling spectral infrared radiance over the U.S. southern Great
Plains”. What does that mean in English? Downwelling infrared
radiation is infrared radiation (or heat) that returns to the Earth’s surface
rather than exiting the atmosphere; it is what would cause increased warming. What
did this research conclude? As it is stated in the paper’s abstract, “The AERI
data record demonstrates that the downwelling infrared radiance is decreasing
over this 14-yr period in the winter, summer, and autumn seasons but it is
increasing in the spring…”
is the significance of this? Well, according to another
webpage that explains the real [weak] influence on the
greenhouse effect by CO2 (and my source for this research), during
the same timeframe the atmospheric CO2 concentration was recorded as
rising 7%. So, despite the fact that the [dubious] king of greenhouse gasses
was increasing throughout this time period, and before it, the actual effect on
the atmosphere is that infrared radiation is not returning to the
surface as much? That is what is significant; despite “rising” CO2,
retention of infrared radiation (heat energy) is not being recorded by
highly-detailed and sensitive measurements.
CO2 has not risen at all, then how could fossil fuel burning be tied
back to anything? If infrared is not being retained at higher and higher
levels, how can CO2 emissions be blamed for anything? Knorr’s
research is sufficient on its own, but this additional research paper validates
Knorr’s research, because despite the asserted rise in greenhouse gasses the
atmosphere is not showing signs of such an effect, heat is not
being trapped as if it were in a greenhouse. For these reasons, the official
story that atmospheric CO2 is rising due to fossil fuel burning is
debunked, because it has not risen at all, and atmospheric data backs that.
second prong of the official narrative is this: “The
rise of atmospheric CO2 causes a greenhouse warming effect.” Well,
we have just proven that CO2 is not rising at all, so that
seems to refute this assertion already. But let us go a little deeper, let us
analyze the mechanics of the nefarious carbon dioxide molecule a little bit
more carefully than the MSM would like us to.
make it simple, there are sources all over the dang place to refute this claim.
Geologist Jonathan DuHamel wrote an article on his website entitled “Evidence
That CO2 Emissions Do Not Intensify the Greenhouse Effect”,
wherein he presents a volume of evidence that shows inconsistencies with
observed data and the official claims that CO2 is destroying the
environment through its [ostensible] heat-trapping properties. One interesting
observation, out of many, that DuHamel makes in his article is this: “There is
one more failed [anthropogenic global warming] prediction: CO2 is
supposed to start warming which evaporates water, a stronger greenhouse gas
that will enhance warming. That should increase global humidity, but
measurements show that global humidity is not increasing.” The graph
DuHamel presents next shows an average 12-point decrease in global
humidity measurements between 1948 and 2012.
piece of evidence comes from research conducted by physicist (yes, a real one)
Denis Rancourt, in an article entitled “Radiation
Physics Constraints on Global Warming: CO2 Increase Has Little
Effect”. In the conclusion to his paper (page 16), Rancourt
states that, “In view of the above model sensitivity calculations and given the
physical simplicity of the model…and based on established physical principles
it is clear that many factors will have a larger effect on
surface-temperature-determining radiation balance than CO2 concentration in
the atmosphere.” Simply, anything but CO2 is more likely
to alter atmospheric and climactic dynamics. Instead of turning this article
into a research paper and making it too long, I highly suggest skimming Dr.
Rancourt’s paper on your own time so as to understand his data and conclusions.
the most amazing and damning piece of evidence against the assertion that CO2
has a warming effect is this
article posted by WND. Over 100+ scientific papers have
been compiled, as shown by WND, which represent research conducted by tons of
scientists dating from the 1960s to the present, making the simple conclusion
that CO2 negligibly affects the state of the environment. The
source for WND’s article makes the claim that this
compilation of research shows that Nature’s sensitivity to doubled CO2
levels ranges from 0 to less-than-1°C.
are some excerpts from a few of the compiled articles:
“This method demonstrates
that the removal of carbon dioxide from the Earth’s atmosphere leads to a
decrease of the average temperature of the Earth’s surface by 4 K; however,
doubling of the carbon dioxide amount causes an increase of the Earth’s
temperature by 0.4 K from the total 2 K at CO2 doubling in the real
atmosphere…” – “Greenhouse
Effect in Atmosphere of Earth and Venus”, by Vladimir Krainov and
Boris Smirnov, 2019.
“Based on these results
and bearing in mind that the climate system is complicated and complex with the
existing uncertainties in the climate predictions, it is not possible to
reliably support the view of the presence of global warming in the sense of an
enhanced greenhouse effect due to human activities.”
– “Has
Global Warming Already Arrived?”, by Costas Varotsos and
Maria Efstathiou, 2018.
“A very recent
development on the greenhouse phenomenon is a validated adiabatic model, based
on laws of physics, forecasting a maximum temperature-increase of 0.01–0.03°C
for a value doubling the present concentration of atmospheric CO2.” –
Warming and Carbon Dioxide Through Sciences”, by Georgios
Florides and Paul Christodoulides, 2009.
These three articles, and the 100+ other ones, all make
this similar conclusion: CO2 possess a negligible influence on
temperature change based on its atmospheric concentration. This copious volume
of scientific literature just slaughters the accusation that demonizes CO2
as a civilization-ending pollutant. At this point, it seems like civilization’s
true archnemesis is widespread pathological alarmism. Again, you can
find WND’s article and the sources of the research articles here.
Having gutted climate assertion #2, we come to #3, which is
the idea that the surface temperature of the globe has measurably risen since
industrial pollution began. What has the science have to say about that? Well,
evidently industrial pollution is a bit of an exaggeration, because as we
learned earlier CO2 has not increased, although the other –
more serious – gasses such as methane and sulfur dioxide have. Although,
have any of these increases affected global temperature?
Well, the observational evidence is abundant that global
temperature has actually been remaining stable for decades. Various
compiled studies by authentic sources have shown this. The biased mainstream
media, however, has done all it can to suppress these facts. Let me present the
data now.
First, let us discuss that all the natural disasters we
have been experiencing over the past few years have no discernible or major
connection to anthropogenic global warming. The widespread fires in Australia,
and California
that have occurred, while being blamed on climate change by the MSM, have
overwhelmingly been due to arson or human manipulation. Temperatures have also
been measurably
falling in many places, such as Japan, Libya (a desert
country), and Greece. The Texas blizzard that occurred earlier in 2021 was not
a climate disaster and was totally within the climactic rhythm of that region;
what exacerbated the blizzard was a poorly winterized power grid.
However, that is not at all, that is just disproving
agenda-laden news media. Here is the observational data:
In Tuscany, there is a CO2 spring at Bossoleto,
and both CO2 concentrations and temperatures were recorded for a few
days there.
A lot of data was acquired during this study and analyzed by the scientists. The
scientists noted that CO2 concentration went from 1,000 ppm in the
afternoon to 750,000 ppm by the next morning. At a nearby site CO2 concentrations
remained around 360 ppm. At the Bossoleto spring, the temperature variation was
33°C at afternoon to 23°C at morning; the other site had a variation of 23°C to
What does this show? Simple. Regardless of CO2,
temperatures will vary. With high CO2, a ten-point variation was
measured. With low CO2, a ten-point variation was measured. CO2
is not the link between the variables. The best cause I could figure
would be the Sun, that big ball of heat always in the sky.
A collection of studies has shown that temperatures in
various nations are either decreasing
or remaining static. In Sweden, home of youth climate
activist Greta Thunberg, temperatures have apparently not changed for two
entire centuries! So that far north chilly land of Nords is still a chilly
land of Nords. No global warming here, Sven!
The above source also includes Iceland. Three
temperature-recording stations are included in the data, and two of these three
have recorded cooling. Furthermore, analysis of sediments in Iceland have
proven that over 10,000 years ago (beginning of the Holocene epoch) summers
were three degrees warmer! So, temperatures have cooled since the Industrial
Revolution, not increased.
And let us go with one more proof that global temperature
has not risen. This final piece of data was published in 2012, during the
height of the liberal Obama administration that was just as climate-focused as
the Left is today. This study showed that global
warming paused between 1997 and 2012. Some climate scientists
dismissed the data, but others, such as Judith Curry of Georgia Tech, state “it
was clear that the computer models used to predict future warming were ‘deeply
flawed’.” Even the skeptics of the data acquiesced that they did not understand
the impact of “natural variability”, i.e., natural shifts in climate/weather.
Ah, shoot, I can’t stop myself, here’s one more! A Finnish
study was published back in 2019 aptly titled “No
Experimental Evidence for the Significant Anthropogenic Climate Change”.
The researched conducted therein shows that human activity can only be
responsible for just a 0.01°C rise in global temperatures. 0.01°C is
unbelievably small; it is a hundredth of the “catastrophic” 1°C rise
that mainstream media outlets have been constantly screeching about. The
Finnish scientists explain that it is natural variations in cloud cover that
are responsible for climate change, and these variations are caused by changes
in Earth’s magnetosphere’s strength. Another
study out of Kobe University, Japan, confirms this.
So, let us review the whole article thus far. “Has the rise
of atmospheric CO2 directly been a result of fossil fuel burning?”
We examined the evidence from Wolfgang Knorr and two other scientists showing
that CO2 has not only failed to increase, but that global
warming has been scantly observed over a years-long period. “Has the rise of
atmospheric CO2 caused a greenhouse warming effect?” Well, the first
question we answered showed that CO2 actually hasn’t risen,
but we also showed numerous studies (over a hundred!) that confirm that CO2
has a negligible greenhouse effect. “Has a measurable global surface warming
has occurred since the Industrial Age began?” Nope; as we have just seen,
numerous studies prove that the Earth’s temperature has not shifted immensely,
and whatever shifts that can be detected are so minor as to be laughable.
There is a lot more I could discuss here, but for the sake
of time and space these additional sources must be mentioned in passing. We
know that Antarctica
is in fact gaining ice, not losing it and
flooding the oceans like alarmists assert. We know that one of the greatest
icons of global warming, polar bears, are
actually thriving and doing better. We also can relish in
the fact that all of climate alarmist Al Gore’s decade-old predictions have
been falsified.
Let me also touch on CO2 a bit more,
specifically in order to improve its unfairly tarnished reputation. Reality is,
contrary to the climate narrative, CO2 is actually very
helpful to the environment. NASA
itself reported back in 2016 that atmospheric CO2
is helping green the Earth, as part of a multinational study of 32 authors. The
Coalition” has published a lot focusing on the goodness and
ecofriendliness of this most infamous molecule, such as this
article. It is a simple scientific fact that carbon dioxide
is an
intrinsic part of Earth’s ecosystem.
Am I saying that CO2 should be allowed to make
up 10% of our planet’s atmosphere, to run up into massive proportions? Of
course not, the life-friendly conditions of our planet are very fine-tuned and
need to be respected. Of course, we need to also respect the basic truth that
CO2 is mostly beneficial. We do not need to worry about industrial
CO2, not only because is it a minor constituent of those pollutants
but also because CO2 has no greenhouse properties, but
because the other pollutants – methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide, etc. – are
dangerous and unhelpful to the environment.
Am I even saying that climate change is false? No,
obviously the climate changes. I am saying that a climate apocalypse that is
inevitable and will lead to worldwide societal collapse is false. Will the
Earth get warmer and cooler? Yes, that is what it is designed to do. Will these
cycles destroy us within the next ten years, or the next ten years after that,
or the next ten years after that? No, not at all. These cycles have
probably happened many times throughout the Earth’s history, and life still
marches on.
Why do we keep hearing about climate change almost daily if
all this contrary evidence exists? Well, the reason why is obvious: there’s an
agenda to carry out. Because of this agenda that is created, promoted, and
enforced by the Elite, the real news regarding climate science is misconstrued
or suppressed. The “97% of scientists believe in global warming?” motto? Totally false and
misleading. The reality is that hundreds of scientists have
broken rank and declared, “There
is no climate emergency!” In fact, Greenpeace’s own co-founder
Patrick Moore has declared that anthropogenic
global warming is a farce. Need I mention the
30,000+ scientists who have signed a petition refuting the
climate narrative?
What is all this climate alarmism, which has been linked to
dozens of vague
and various issues, about? Why must we deal with all this
crying and whining about scientifically negligible issues? Why is there a
climate agenda to begin with? Considering how much we have discussed already
refuting anthropogenic global warming, I will try to keep this new discussion
brief. However, understanding the climate tyranny is no easy matter.
The goal behind the climate agenda is control, plain and
simple. “Crisis” is the second stage of national subversion that KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov revealed.
Before crisis comes demoralization, which we have seen with the suppression and
rejection of constitutional values in America, and after crisis is
normalization, which sees the uncomfortable feelings of change including losses
of freedom being absorbed and accepted. The highly influential and aristocratic
of Rome declared climate change a “planetary
emergency”, Kamala Harris – our Vice President – wants to criminalize climate
change skeptics, and, as stated at the beginning of this
article, the Biden administration (with its deep and broad Deep State
connections) considers climate change to be an existential threat.
COVID-19 and climate change have been getting equated by
globalist politicians and pundits frequently (such as here
and here),
and COVID-19’s
involvement in the globalist agenda is very
obvious. It is about control, it is about bringing us closer and closer to the
point of no return so that the wool may be pulled over our eyes as an Orwellian
superstate emerges “all of a sudden” (not so suddenly for those who have been
warning of it for decades). These carefully engineered crises (not saying they
are fake, but the associated hysteria certainly is) will carry on for as long
as necessary for the public to become complacent, and then (per the program
exposed by Mr. Bezmenov) society destabilizes and the parasitic Elite that
operating the downfall behind the scenes takes power.
This is what all the false science and hysteria exposed
throughout this article is about. Control. Get enough people to believe that
God’s green Earth is dying, the Earth that even the dumbest person realizes
they rely on, they will do anything to defend it. As I said earlier, a
large majority of Americans believe that we are not doing enough to
fight climate change. Many Americans think we need
the Green New Deal, a proposed program that will absolutely
usurp the Constitution and work
to the benefit of the NWO.
The falsification and suppression of climate science works
towards fanning the flames of mass hysteria and ideological radicalization. The
“climate crisis” will bring upon more and more radical and strenuous policies
that people will fall in line with in order to live as normal and free of lives
they can. Perhaps you do not want to follow the Great Reset
agenda your nation’s government is forcing upon you, but
then again, you don’t want to end up in a camp,
so you suck it up and go with the flow because you got more important things to
worry about, such as why
you’re feeling chronically ill even though you’re young
and active.
We, who have already pulled the wool off our eyes, need to
do the same for others. No one is truly lost, and perhaps the World is not,
yet. As I say a lot, act before it is too late. They will keep trying to get
their agenda enforced so long as they are in power. But, if we can kick out
their chairs from under them, they will have nothing. They are mere men, after
all, not the demigods they view themselves as. Go outside and breath the fresh
air (which is made up of CO2, naturally), and work tirelessly to keep
it fresh and free.
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