Origins of Abortion
I N my last article on the practice of abortion, I mentioned a few times within it that I believed there was some elitist/Establishment role behind the proliferation of this phenomenon. I also stated that, in the near future, I would be interested in covering that. Well, we are in the near future, and I am interested in covering that today. I will be leading you through history and nations, showing you how the abortion phenemonon originated, and what its continued practice fuels. Whenever I do deep dives like this, sometimes I like to go upstream, then lead my readers back downstream. I like this method of doing things because it provides a hook, as the reader will watch the development of a phenomenon over time and watch as unsuspected connections are made. It is just nice doing it this way. So, in my research, I carefully pieced various thinkers and groups together, and went as far upstream this cultural and ideological river as I could. I am at the headwaters now, let me bring ...