Origins of Abortion

IN my last article on the practice of abortion, I mentioned a few times within it that I believed there was some elitist/Establishment role behind the proliferation of this phenomenon. I also stated that, in the near future, I would be interested in covering that. Well, we are in the near future, and I am interested in covering that today. I will be leading you through history and nations, showing you how the abortion phenemonon originated, and what its continued practice fuels.

Whenever I do deep dives like this, sometimes I like to go upstream, then lead my readers back downstream. I like this method of doing things because it provides a hook, as the reader will watch the development of a phenomenon over time and watch as unsuspected connections are made. It is just nice doing it this way. So, in my research, I carefully pieced various thinkers and groups together, and went as far upstream this cultural and ideological river as I could. I am at the headwaters now, let me bring you back to the mouth.

What is the earliest culture of immorality and child sacrifice we know of? Was this culture just a small pebble in the global cultural river, or was it a boulder? When we examine our texts about ancient history, and ones from ancient history that focus on even more ancient history, one culture returns over and over again as the hotbed of depravity: Babylon.

Babylon was highly problematic morally, even despite the high view among later historians of that most ancient civilization. The ancient Roman historian Quintus Rufus wrote of Babylon, “There is nothing more extraordinary than the manners of this city...and nowhere are things better arranged with a view to voluptuous pleasures” (Quoted in Durant 1935, p. 63). There is also great evidence for the practice of human and child sacrifice in Babylon, of temple prostitution (Yamauchi 1973), and other infernal practices within the holy chambers of Babylon. 

So, it is a dear historical fact that Babylon was an antinomian culture. Babylon was highly influential on satellite cultures, and this, too, is historical fact (Orellana 2017). A satellite culture that was also strongly impressed upon by Babylon was Canaan, which has been noted since antiquity by scholars as a hotbed for child sacrifice, a ritual commonly practiced by the Canaanite elite (Stager & Wolf 1984). So, it is a certain fact that infants were the subject of ritual abuse in ancient Babylon.

This makes the biblical conception of Babylon as the capital of depravity far from mere Israelite propaganda. The prophet Jeremiah said of Babylon, “Babylon was a golden cup in Yahweh’s hand, making all the Earth drunken; the nations drank of her wine; therefore the nations went mad.” (Jer. 51:7) He also declared, “For the sons of Judah have done evil in my sight, declares Yahweh. ... And they have built the high places of burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, nor did it come into My mind” (Jer. 7:30-31). In the Second Book of Kings, it is said, “And they abandoned all the commandments of Yahweh their God, and made for themselves metal images of two calves; and they made an Asherah [Babylonian Ishtar] and worshiped all the host of heaven and served Baal [Babylonian Marduk]. And they made their sons and their daughters pass through the fire and used divination and omens and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of Yahweh, provoking Him to anger.” (2 Kings 17:16-17) 

All of this we know for a fact now, thanks to archeology and historical studies. Mesopotamia/Babylonia was the headwaters of iniquity. It definitely was the source because Mesopotamia was the cradle of civilization, predating all other ancient civilizations, such as the Hindus (who coalesced around the 2nd millennium BC and who did indeed interact with Mesopotamia [Hiltebeitel 2007, pp. 3-4]) and the Greeks (who also manifested as a civilization post-Babylon in the early-1st millennium BC).

A major aspect and influence of Babylonian civilization was its mysticism. Occultism, oracles, soothsaying, and other mystical practices were well-known and respected amongst the Babylonians. Later ancient civilizations came to adopt and respect Babylonian mysticism, and from this synthesis developed their own unique systems (Orellana 2017). The ancient Babylonian religion persisted into Late Antiquity, up to the 5th century AD, but as a functional spiritual system it eventually dissipated.

One culture that was surely influenced by Babylon was Judaism. Judaism, as distinct from biblical/Israelite Yahwism, is defined by the rabbinical caste which exerts authoritarian control over doctrine via the extrabiblical Talmud. The Talmud developed amongst rabbis during Late Antiquity, and as any scholar will tell you one of the most influential Talmudic schools was in Babylon (Cook 1911, p. 380). That is significant because, as I just mentioned, the Babylonian religion persisted into this time period, too.

The Talmud has been highly interconnected with the Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism in general. That is important to note, especially when we look into the morality of rabbinical/Talmudic Judaism. Generally, what we know to look out for, from what we have examined so far, is a general disregard for human life for ritualistic purposes. Babylon practiced this, what of Judea?

One of the greatest treatments on Talmudic (called in the book “Pharisaic”) Judaism was Elizabeth Dilling’s The Jewish Religion. The book, while sensitive in its viewpoints at times, is a valuable resource and critique of the Talmud. A number of shocking revelations of this mutated form of [biblical] Israelite culture are made in the book, and reveal many examples of what we are looking for.

For example, the Talmud holds a very low view of the sanctity of children. Sanhedrin 54b:23-55a:1 states that, “One who engages in homosexual intercourse with a male aged nine years and one liable. This baraita sets the minimum age for the passive male at nine years and one day.” Pederasty with infants is permissible, therefore. Sanhedrin 69b:5 says, “If a woman was acting lewdly with her minor son...Beit Hillel deem[ed] her fit to marry into the priesthood…” The Beit Hillel is recognized as the most influential of two early rabbinical schools (the other being Shammai). In Ketubot 11a:15 it is said, “With regard to an adult man who engaged in intercourse with a minor girl less than three years old; or a minor boy less than nine who engaged in intercourse with an adult woman...for all these women their marriage contract is 200 dinars…” Essentially, if sex between a young boy or girl with an old woman or man occurs, it is not a travesty, and marriage is permissible. 

These are severe depravities, and constitute fundamentals of Talmudic Judaism. It is a severe downgrade from the strict morality called for by the Old Testament scriptures. Beyond pederasty, there is a further disregard for life in the Talmud as shown by its rampant anti-Gentilism. The Jewish Encyclopedia of 1905 reads that, “[The Pharisees] held that only Israelites are men...Gentiles they classed not as man but as barbarians.” (Hirsch 1905, p. 619) The Talmud also says, in Sanhedrin 76b:2, “One who returns lost property to Gentiles adds to the property that they stole from Jews. With regard to each of them the verse states: ‘...The Lord will not be willing to pardon him.’” There are many more examples throughout the Talmud that depict Gentiles as being “excepted from the general civil laws of Moses” (Hirsch 1905, p. 620), as beasts (Hirsch 1905, p. 621), and needing to suffer to summon the Messiah.

I do not want this to turn into a treatise on rabbinical/Talmudic Judaism and its depravities, but I do want to cover it because it is the next important link in our analysis. The most important thing I wish to note, however, is that the Talmud rescinds the most relevant passage of the Bible to our study: the commandment against child sacrifice (see Sanhedrin 64a:16 to 64b). This is the doctrine of the Talmud, from whence came Jewish mysticism, and itself coming from Babylon.

So, Babylon was a morally corrupt culture which practiced child sacrifice. Talmudic Judaism is (I feel tempted to say “was”, since that pardons living Jews ignorant of the Talmud, but their rabbis are not, so I cannot) a morally corrupt culture. Where is the next stop on our downstream voyage? Well, clearly, we must find some element in civilization that was (or is) antinomian, and claims a relationship with Jewish mysticism. No, we do not arrive at the abortion industry, yet, but somewhere else just as important.

“Buxtorf defines the Kabbala to be a secret science which treats in a mystical and enigmatical manner of things divine, angelic, theological, celestial, and metaphysical... Much use is made of it in the high degrees, and entire Rites have been constructed on its principles. Hence it demands a place in any general work on Freemasonry.” (Mackey 1914, p. 389)

These are the words of Albert Mackey, a high-ranking Freemason who wrote the official encyclopedia on Freemasonry back in the late-19th century, which was expanded into a multi-volume work in the early-20th. There is much more evidence for the relationship between Jewish, and even Babylonian, mysticism and Freemasonry, as laid out by Masonic Pontiff Albert Pike in his book - the Masonic Bible - Morals and Dogma. Essentially, and by their own admission, Freemasonry is the next major link going downstream to the abortion industry. 

What aspects of antihumanism and antinomianism do we find in the Masonic cult? Well, to those who have studied the secrets of the religion the answer is clear already and represented in a number of details. The Masonic oath is a nice place to start, as it contains gems such as, “Further, that I will not aid, nor be present at, the initiation, passing, or raising of a woman, an old man in his dotage, a young man in his nonage, an atheist, a madman, or fool, knowing them to be such,” “[I will] never reveal any of the secrets, arts, parts, point or points, of the Master Mason’s Degree, to any person or persons whomsoever, except that it be a true and lawful brother of this Degree,” and, “All this I most solemnly, sincerely promise and swear...under no less penalty than that of having my body severed in two, my bowels taken from thence and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered before the four winds of heaven.” There is a lot of death and carnage involved in Masonic rituals, at the very least allusions and mockeries of it, and considering rarely anyone has been inside a Masonic temple, especially during a proper ritual, God knows what is going on there other than the lovey-dovey charades they play for the mainstream media.

Freemasonry has been highly influential since its sudden rise in the early-18th century. It not only has numerous members, a good deal of which are part of Masonic dynasties, but it has impressed itself upon many occult and mystical societies. Arthur Waite, a high-ranking Freemason, was a member of the Masonic Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, along with fellow Mason Alistair Crowley, who influenced much of modern occultism, including LaVeyan Satanism. Freemasonry is also found as an influence in other influential modern occultists such as Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, etc.

I mentioned earlier the subject of “Masonic dynasties”, which are very real and powerful tribes on Earth, such as the Astors, Bushes, Rockefellers, and others. “Masonic” can really be a catch-all term for families with a multigenerational involvement in prominent and esoteric secret societies, such as the Bushes’ involvement with the Skull & Bones. Among the various bloodlines of Masonry, the most relevant to our historical study today is the Darwin-Wedgwood clan. Proceeding from this tribe, formed in the mid-18th century by the Darwin, Wedgwood, and Galton families.

The merging of these dynasties is believed by many to have come from their mutual belief that their genes were superior and needed to be preserved, and so they intermarried a lot over the next century. As you might have noticed, this dynasty was indeed the dynasty Charles Darwin belonged to. Erasmus Darwin, Charles Darwin’s grandfather, was a lifelong Freemason, and founded another society, the Lunar Society, along with Samuel Galton (an arms manufacturer that was ostensibly a Quaker; likely a lie, therefore). The Lunar Society is commemorated today by “Moonstones”, monuments of each of its principal members emblazoned with lunar imagery, a hallmark of occult symbolism.

It is through the Darwin dynasty that we come to the penultimate step in the development of the abortion agnda. Both of Erasmus Darwin’s grandsons, Charles Darwin and Francis Galton, were stubborn naturalists and antihumanists. Galton was a Freemason, and Darwin - by the admission of a Grand Lodge - could have very likely been one, at the very least sharing their views. Both Darwin and Galton became the thinkers behind eugenics, Darwin by reducing man to an animal and machine, Galton more explicitly. 

Galton was an infamous scientific racist and eugenist, influenced by his cousin Darwin as equally as Galton influenced him. In Galton’s book Hereditary Genus he wrote this:

“The best form of civilization in respect to the improvement of the race, would be one in which society was not costly; where incomes were chiefly derived from professional sources, and not much through inheritance; where every lad had a chance of showing his abilities, and, if highly gifted, was enabled to achieve a first-class education and entrance into professional life…” (Galton 1869, p. 362).

I cannot possibly understate Galton’s influence on eugenics, because his was very real and severe. Eugenics began as a methodical discipline with Galton, upon Cousin Darwin’s naturalist philosophy. Mysticism, to Masonry, to “naturalism”, to eugenics. This brings us to our final waypoint in our journey, to the beginnings of the abortion industry.

As I discussed in my last article, the premier figure of abortionism was Margaret Sanger, and she was an ardent eugenicist. In her pro-abortion publication The Birth Control Review, she made numerous statements advocating racial purity and eugenic practices. Her, and her plethora of like-minded colleagues that spearheaded abortionism in the United States.

The self-professed aim of the Birth Control League was to “promote eugenic birth selection throughout the United States so that there may be more well‑born and fewer ill‑born children ― a stronger, healthier and more intelligent race.” Another member of the League stated, “Broadly speaking, the aims of eugenics are two: To prevent the unfit from leaving any descendants, and to encourage the multiplication of the more fit and useful citizens.” There are also international connections between abortion and eugenics, such as the esteemed Russell family (of whom the philosopher Bertrand Russell was a member, a eugenist/abortionist himself), H.G. Wells, John M. Keynes (primary influence of the modern economic system), and many others.

A Birth Control Review advertisement once read, “Giving to charities merely perpetuates the evil ― Birth Control means prevention!” This anti-philanthropy, this desire to only help the strong and fit persists into the present. Selective abortion is recognized as a real and troubling practice, and even the left-leaning Atlantic has discussed if abortion still carries eugenic undertones. This is probably why Planned Parenthood has murdered hundreds of thousands of African-American infants every year since Roe v. Wade. Indeed, 79 percent of Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinics are within walking distance of minority communities.

The Birth Control League and its eugenic philosophy doesn’t end here. You see, while abortionism was being pumped into the American public in the early-20th century, there was another force arising across the pond that would prove very receptive to this ideology. National Socialism. Indeed, in April 1933, Ernst Rudin - who would become a member of the Expert Committee on Questions of Population and Racial Policy within two months - wrote an article for The Birth Control Review titled “Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need”

Ernst Rudin, from 1932 to 1936, was President of the International Federation of Eugenics Organizations. A number of prominent names contributed to this organization, such as Leonard Darwin (the Darwin’s son), Darwinist Ronald Fisher, socialite Mary Williamson Harriman (mother of W. Averell Harriman, who’d form the elitist bank Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. that numerous dynasties, such as the Bushes, would be connected to), Alexander Graham Bell, and others. Equally as interesting is that until the beginning of World War II, Rudin’s eugenics research was funded by the Rockefellers; this family’s connection to eugenics is underappreciated, considering John D. Rockefeller III founded the Population Council in 1953.

So, let us take a moment to recap what we have learned. We began with a question: “When and how did abortion begin?” We also asked, “Does abortionism have a continuous lineage through history, downstream to the present day?” To determine this we evidently needed to figure out where the earliest practice of abortionism was. We labelled Babylon as the wellspring of abortionism, being the most ancient civilization and a hotbed of child/human sacrifice.

From Babylon, we identified a branch that was Jewish/Talmudic mysticism. While any form of mysticism would work, as they all influenced the next phase of abortionism (and certainly some eugenists), we focused on Talmudic mysticism because it was born in Babylon, and because it made defenses of Babylonian child sacrifice. This presents a stronger link between the two than any other mystical culture derived from Babylonian practices.

From Jewish mysticism we found ourselves amongst the Freemasons. This is because Freemasonry, by the admission of some high-ranking Masons, was influenced by Jewish mysticism, by the Kabbalah. Other mystical traditions were mentioned, of course, but, again, the Judean tradition is more important due to its first-degree tie to Babylon. Freemasonry is very antihumanist, with very bloodthirsty rituals and symbolism, and its superiority complex is evident in its virtues of secrecy and elitism. Supremacism is a hallmark of eugenist thought.

Then, we turned to Darwinism. Darwinism was founded by a family of Masons/secretive elites. They were also the source of modern eugenics, via its most famous members Charles Darwin and Francis Galton (Masons themselves). Eugenics swept across the upper-class of England and America, although it found some participants amongst other countries, like the German (Nazi) and Japanese elite, too. Eugenics, in return, was a major influence on modern abortionism, such as the mother of American abortionism, Margaret Sanger.

Thus, we reach the modern day abortion industry. An industry which, as discussed above, selectively aborts based on physical inferiorities and even racial ones (given the massive disproportion in minority abortions). As talked about in “News Flash, Abortion Is Evil”, abortion remains a harmful, political, and compulsory practice, like eugenics was in the early-20th century. The promotion and management of the abortion industry by the upper-class, like eugenics, is painfully obvious. Abortion simply underwent a rebranding once Americans were exposed to the truth.

You, also, have been exposed to the truth. Abortionists defend and praise their industry in an almost cult-like manner. Many abortionists are spiritualists/New-Agers, too, showing there is still a mystical philosophy behind this. Its ancient Babylonian roots can still be felt. Not only is this a practice that is scientifically evil, as shown before, but it is historically and morally evil, having its roots in a millennia-long lineage of antinomian and antihumanist cultures. 

It is time to put an end to this travesty. It is time to wake people up to the dark truths of this World. Abortion cares not for the mother or the well-being of society. It cares for the betterment of the race, as it is a eugenist and supremacist ideology. This is evil of the highest caliber. 


  • Cook, Stanley A., “Talmud” in the Encyclopædia Britannica, vol. 26, edited by Hugh Chisholm, pp. 380-386 (Encyclopædia Britannica Company, 1911; 11th ed.).

  • Durant, William J., The Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage (Simon & Schuster, 1935).

  • Galton, Francis, Hereditary Genius (Macmillan & Co., 1869).

  • Hiltebeitel, Alfred J., “Hinduism” in The Religious Traditions of Asia, edited by Joseph M. Kitagawa, pp. 3-41 (Routledge, 2002).

  • Hirsch, Emil G., “Gentile” in The Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 5, edited by Isidore Singer, pp. 615-626 ((Funk & Wagnall’s Company, 1903).

  • Mackey, Albert G., An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, vol. 1 (Masonic History Company, 1914; new rev. ed.).

  • Orellana, Michael, “The Legacy of Inanna” in Searching the Scriptures, edited by Slavisa M. Jankovic, pp. 177-199 (Andrews University Press, 2017).

  • Stager, Lawrence E., and Wolff, Samuel R., “Child Sacrifice at Carthage—Religious Rite or Population Control?” Biblical Archeology Review, vol. 10, no. 1, Biblical Archeology Society, Jan./Feb. 1984, pp. 31-51.

  • Yamauchi, Edwin M. “Cultic Prostitution” in Orient and Occident, edited by Harry A. Hoffner Jr., pp. 213-222 (Neukirchener Verlag, 1973).


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