
Showing posts from February, 2022

College Kids Need Capitalism!

            BEING young myself and active on the Internet, I am well-aware of the condition and outlook of many adolescents, particularly in America. Their financial literacy skills are below average , and they overeat instant ramen that is an atrocity to physical health . Many of the Internet celebrities I follow, who are in this 20-30 age group, do make reference to their issues, to their lack of finances and their discontent with how society is in general. Life is not looking good for these kids, and we can expect that by the time they are in their 30s they will be tired, overworked, and have making a family as the last thing on their mind.           How do they cope with this? Most of them find ways to incorporate their levels of anxiety and stress into their lifestyles, remaining apathetic about other concerns. To be explicit, again, they tend to seek out political programs that will h...

Libertarianism and Morality

This article is dedicated to a dear friend of mine. Hope this teaches you something, ya dope.   I AM a libertarian, or – more precisely – an anarcho-capitalist with Rothbardian and Hoppean undertones . While I at first identified as some form of a conservative, I now realize I wasn’t an orthodox conservative, and I began to realize this even before I formally converted to libertarianism when I read Russell Kirk’s The Conservative Mind and learned about Edmund Burke (the father of conservatism) and couldn’t agree with some fundamentals of conservatism. However, belonging to such a fringe ideology as anarcho-capitalism - part of the broader fringe ideology of anarchism - life is sort of difficult. People like capitalism, people like less government, but they can’t wrap their minds around the supremacy of the former and the dissolution of the latter. My social circle happens to consist of many of those people, and they tend to identify as minarchists (see Block 2011) or as t...

The Pharmocracy

  WHAT times we live in, huh? If you’ve followed my blog for any amount of time you have surely been exposed to enough information to see that the World we live in is nuts and is getting nuttier. How many years has it been a trope now for people to consider the news cycle nothing but a constant stream of negativity ? Oh how awful it all seems! Some people have come to believe, part and parcel with the Deep State control of the MSM , this barrage of negativity is simply a psyop to demoralize whoever watches the news still. Now, might that be true? Of course, I cannot deny the morbid sensationalism of the news media. It is indeed something of a scheme. However, I must present an alternative opinion. Is the media cruel and manipulative? Of course. However, this insanity is not merely a side effect of our overlords. No, instead it is something being slowly accepted and introduced to the general public. I call this “sin evangelism”. The Christian Church has its values and ethic...