The Pharmocracy


WHAT times we live in, huh? If you’ve followed my blog for any amount of time you have surely been exposed to enough information to see that the World we live in is nuts and is getting nuttier. How many years has it been a trope now for people to consider the news cycle nothing but a constant stream of negativity? Oh how awful it all seems!

Some people have come to believe, part and parcel with the Deep State control of the MSM, this barrage of negativity is simply a psyop to demoralize whoever watches the news still. Now, might that be true? Of course, I cannot deny the morbid sensationalism of the news media. It is indeed something of a scheme.

However, I must present an alternative opinion. Is the media cruel and manipulative? Of course. However, this insanity is not merely a side effect of our overlords. No, instead it is something being slowly accepted and introduced to the general public.

I call this “sin evangelism”. The Christian Church has its values and ethics, and is compelled to spread these in service of our God. Likewise, the hedonistic postmodern Deep State (very likely Satanic) wants to evangelize its sins the glory of its pleasure idol/false god. The Elite simply wants to hoard power and luxury; we can surely share in their hedonism, since they will help distract us (as lamb being led to the slaughter).

Now, all this being said, is the World crazy? Absolutely. Sin evangelism has some very influential figures, and they are the ones who control the airways. They are crazy, but they are also making us crazy. It is not gun violence that’s the issue, it’s just violence, the instrument is irrelevant.

The single greatest way by which we were being maddened is by that which we least expect. Absorbing the MSM toxins is one way, but growing distrust of it shows that this is not the whole picture. No, instead it is something which comes in a nice little form that fills several cabinets in our homes. It is the pharmaceutical circus.

The reign of pharmaceuticals is an immense, global one. Over half of Americans are regular users, and in Europe an average 45-55% of people have taken prescription drugs (indeed, some have asserted that there is a drug problem in Europe, too). No one has gone without pharmaceuticals in their life, especially if they live in the modern world. Globalization and modernization schemes in places like Africa and India by globalist NGOs are introducing the pharmaceutical empire to these once untouched enclaves of traditional healthcare. No one can deny the ubiquity of allopathy.

This so-called “pharmocracy” is in a sense incomparable. It is something found in every corner of our homes; those orange plastic bottles in almost every cabinet and on many nightstands. We might love our Tylenol, Advil, and other fast-acting bite-sized cures for simple issues, but do we love the long-term health effects associated with painkillers just as much? Half of the time, and surely even more, we don’t know what we are popping into our bodies.

Indeed, we don’t even have to be consciously loading ourselves up. The evidence shows that we are receiving steady dosages of pharmacrap on the daily. Our veins flow with what we willingly put it, and what is unwillingly absorbed. Take, for example, this fifteen-minute video showing how for years our water has been tainted with pharmaceuticals! This stuff, now overlapping greatly with the water cycle, is getting lifted up into the air and then dropped down across a much larger area, spreading or doubling-down on the exposure. The video mentions drugs even being found in the water of the Arctic; while not narcotics necessarily, far-northern and isolated Canadian settlements have been finding fuel in their water. It’s all over the place, and you’ll have to move far away to get out of the blast zone.

I began this article with a discussion with the insanity filling our World. Let me connect this issue with the pharmaceutical circus. First, we reassert the fact that pharmaceuticals taint the environment across America, and likely beyond (such as in Europe), especially if even Arctic water is polluted. Now, we ask what affect these allopathic substances have on the human being.

A large swath of the American population is loaded up on psychiatric medication. The two main categories these drugs fall into are tricyclic antidepressants and SSRIs. SSRIs are most relevant to our discussion because of the rampant adverse neurological effects they have. Indeed, the majority of violent crimes in recent history have had perpetrators with a history with psychiatric drugs.

The website SSRI Stories has also catalogued thousands of violent crimes committed by those with a past or ongoing relationship with SSRIs and psychiatric narcotics. The “mental health crisis” is big talk nowadays, especially among victimizing leftists (who often have mental issues), but what they don’t realize – and what their masters don’t want us to realize – is that the crisis goes back to the pharmaceutical nightmare we live in. As experienced, decades-long psychiatric David Healy shows in his article “Psychiatry Gone Astray”, it seems to be an allopathic issue rather than neurochemical one which is feeding this insanity crisis.

So, the World is going crazy. The World is poisoned by pharmaceuticals. It is these very pharmaceuticals causing craziness. And around and around the cycle goes. Someone shows symptoms of mental instability, they get prescribed an SSRI, they show more symptoms, they get a higher dose, and sooner or later they break and commit either suicide or homicide. Once more, we are not seeing a gun violence problem, just a violence problem, and now we see what’s feeding it.

As to who, well, as explained in my depopulation article, we already know who loves to pump toxins into the environment to mass poison mankind. The fractured and empty people psychiatric drugs produce are perfect sheep, especially since they go on to feed social instability – as we’ve seen – by sometimes becoming mass killers. Just how gun violence is actually just violence, gun control is just control.

I have seen how widespread the effects of the pharmocracy are. They have made it into my own personal life with the enslavement of friends and relatives, and also in the form of doctors trying to prescribe even more crap to me (one of these days I’m detoxing, moving into the woods, and turning this site into an underground ham radio program). It is sad, and it is angering. The mental state produced by being a druggie is exactly what is needed to be brainwashed; you are malleable, you are vulnerable, you are just waiting for instructions.

Natural, herbal medicine has never killed anyone. Herbal medicine might have failed to help someone with a chronic or severe disorder, but our unnatural fetish with usurping Nature has made us forget that sometimes Nature needs to run its course. There is also “herbal medicine” that is tainted with toxins of chemicals, but often times these substances are sold by Big Pharma fronts (like RiteAid, ShopRite, and other corporate entities). The World is full of a beautiful host of organic substances with medical benefits, so why wouldn’t we use these instead of chemicals not found anywhere in Nature (except in industrial runoff)?

Allopathy verifiably kills hundreds of thousands per year and causes millions of adverse reactions. Herbalism? Unless you happen to have some allergy or sensitivity, there won’t be and can’t be any side effects. Organic medicine can treat just as many conditions as industrial chemicals, though we must be honest and realize pain is part of life and there will be no 100% effective organic treatment (even allopathic snake oil isn’t 100%, either making you addicted or killing you before it can do anything).

Still, herbal medicine has safety, efficiency, and being organic on its side. Many of the common, short-term afflictions people have may be taken care of by herbs. Headaches? Rosemary or ginger has you covered. Tiredness? Any hot herbal tea and a reformed sleep schedule will help (although, for issues like chronic fatigue syndrome, maca might help). Bloating/digestive trouble? Peppermint is well-known for its usefulness with this issue. Let us not forget about turmeric, which might be the most versatile medicinal herb. Healing Food Reference is as great site to find various herbs and substances that help with numerous conditions, giving you options to further research (also check out GreenMedInfo). Herbal medicine absolutely will have you covered.

So, the moral of the story? We live under a druggie NWO. The luxurious oligarchs snort blow while we absorb a bunch of runoff and mindflaying waste. Big Pharma, which is working on a global scale to suppress herbal medicine, is a merchant of death that loads us up on tons of crap to pacify and distract us. This is the epitome of the “Pharmocracy”.

It is not too late to detox, and there are ways to do so. We all need to return to our roots. No argument exists for conquering Nature, rather than using Nature. The Pharmocracy is one part of a much greater issue, one which I’ve only just begun piecing together in my articles to date. Nature is God’s masterpiece, and so there is a reason why the narcissistic/Satanic Elite promotes unnatural living in various ways (such as medicinally) to the rambling masses.


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