Restucturing the Blog!

QUICK post today, since I've announced my plans elsewhere and just want to make a formal note of what's happened here for future reference. I've decided to begin publishing most of my articles through other sites, such as the Libertarian Christian Institute and My comments on politics, economics, current events, etc., will mostly appear there from now on out. However, I have not gotten rid of this blog because it will now serve an important purpose: providing me a platform for articles that I can't get published elsewhere, don't want to publish elsewhere (e.g., if I want to retain full rights to it), or which I want to get out quickly, cutting out the middleman (the editing process). So, The Hot Air Machine is not going away, it's just shifting focus. It will likely become less active, but at least this means I'll be able to open up my schedule a bit more (I was acting too much like this was a full-time journalistic commitment with thousands of people dying to see my next post). Over the next few months old articles will be updated, unpublished, and republished here or elsewhere, so don't get confused if you notice these changes. Thanks to those who've sticken around since the beginning (if there are any of you)!


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