Regarding the COVID-19 Vaccines
LIKE most people by this point in time, I am sick and tired of the word “vaccine”.
The airways have been so clogged by it for the last few months I am being
driven crazy by the constant and asinine prattle about it. Additionally, these
vaccines themselves have rubbed me the wrong way. These vaccines have been
produced with uncertain technologies, promoted and enforced through illiberal
methods, and are of a highly suspect nature in various other regards.
those that rightfully question and think freely about everything, a good number
of inquiries and objections about these vaccines have arisen. The response by
the mainstream
media and “experts”
proves we are moving in the right direction, for time and time again what they
dislike the common rabble doing has proved far better for the common rabble.
of course, being an objector or freethinker does not indicate nor require
intelligence, and a few dim minds have made their voices heard. Other than simply
shrugging them off as dimwitted and meaningless, we should address these
misdoings so that disciplined and factual objections might dominate and
circulate, silencing the opposites.
these reasons, I have been moved to write about the vaccines for COVID-19 and
the facts surrounding them. I will separate fact from fiction carefully and
logically in the following paragraphs. However, still, I will be making clear
that these facts are stacked against these vaccines, even when filtered. The
facts will speak for themselves, once heard, even as some try to muffle them.
of the predominant and most recent of these vaccines’ objections are the deaths
being associated with them. Institutional outlets, such as the
CDC, have reported that there is no causality between the deaths of individuals
and their prior vaccination. However, this is just patently false. While
mainstream outlets such as Newsweek
have asserted that VAERS does not account for causality, as it has included in
its database deaths caused by car crashes among other unrelated causes, the
fact is a huge number of people have nonetheless died within days of getting a
COVID-19 vaccines. A recent study has shown that probably up
to 150,000 people have died because of the COVID-19 vaccine, a figure
arrived at by taking into consideration underreporting.
proof of the causality between vaccinated people dying and the vaccines
themselves comes from the CDC’s own hypocritical words.
the same exact day the CDC stated there is no causality (April 13), it released
a statement with the FDA announcing the pausing of the Johnson & Johnson
vaccine for causing
blood clots. And these blood clots caused a fatality! AstraZeneca’s own
vaccine has also caused
blood clots, and these adverse reactions became so concerning that ten
European governments suspended roll-outs of the vaccine.
CDC also blatantly ignores the banning of the AstraZeneca vaccine by
Denmark, an action related to the death of a 60-year-old Danish woman, which
occurred a whole week before the CDC’s denial of causation. Mentioning the
Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca vaccines in tandem is intentional,
because they operate on the
same principles and thus their shared threat might stem from their shared mechanisms.
So, all in all, the denial of causality by the CDC is highly suspicious, since
there is more than enough evidence to indicate causality; it is one thing to exaggerate
causality, but a whole other, and potentially more dangerous, thing to deny
there is plenty of evidence of outcomes of vaccination that – even if not fatal
– do throw these vaccine’s credibility into question a great deal. While when
first writing this article in April of 2021, the data showed that nearly
8,000 vaccinated Americans later contracted COVID, the data available in
recent months has been outstandingly devastating for vaccine enthusiasts.
Highly vaccinated territories such as Gibraltar,
Iceland, and San
Francisco (98%, 90%+, and 77% vaccinated, respectively) have all experienced
massive outbreaks in COVID-19.
Additionally, there have been nearly 3,000,000
adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines in Europe
and America
combined. Based off the combined vaccinated population for the EU and America,
of 513,626,291, the number of adverse reactions per million is 5,937. More
recent data (only released after the Elite got its way) puts the global COVID-19
mortality rate at 1,400 per million (based off the percentage of 0.14%). The vaccines,
therefore, are over four times unhealthier than COVID-19 itself.
put, no vaccine in all human history has ever had such an immense record of
adverse reactions. There are a number of vaccines that have been with us for
many years – such as the flu vaccines – and even despite all the years they
have existed, they have not harmed people nearly as much as COVID-19 vaccines
have. Since the beginning of the database, VAERS has reported only 1,814 adverse reactions for non-COVID-19 vaccines,
which – in comparison to the nearly eight billion vaccine doses administered
since the 1980s – adds up to 0.23 reactions per million. Between COVID-19 and
all other vaccines is a 2,581,200% increase in adverse reactions.
should not harm people so much, and it produces a very suspicious image for the
COVID-19 vaccines that so much hardship has stemmed from them in so little of a
time. In a similar 30-year period that the VAERS covers, the COVID-19 vaccines
could be expected to cause over 90 million adverse reactions at this
third thing I want to cover is how these vaccines are a mechanical enigma
through and through. The Centre Territorial d’Information Indépendante et
d’Avis Pharmaceutiques released a report on April 2, 2021 which, in summary, demanded
the removal of all four common COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna,
AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson). The report states that not only were
the vaccines’ clinical testing greatly insufficient but “that the quality of
the active substances, their ‘excipients, some of which are new,’ and the
manufacturing processes are problematic… ‘These new excipients should be
considered as new active substances.’”
the meaning of the first part of that is clear, the second part simply means
that the excipients, or whatever goes along with an active ingredient (e.g.,
the 1% fluoride and 99% gelatin in a toothpaste), are actually not inactive
mediums but do have unevaluated health effects. This is where a great majority
of adverse reactions could be coming from in these vaccines, but yet no
government authority or medical institute is asking for these factors to be
investigated more thoroughly.
CTIAP sums up their report at the start by giving this analogy:
we imagine launching a car manufacturing line and putting vehicles on the road,
despite the uncertainties noted in the official documents published? These
uncertainties are related to the quality of the parts making up the engine and
the various other parts, including those related to safety, the manufacturing
process, the reproducibility of the batches that are being marketed, etc.”
of the most damning and shocking pieces of evidence regarding these vaccines is
the discovery that destroys the idea that whatever evaluations these vaccines
got before receiving emergency authorization were sufficient. According to the
CTIAP, “The planned studies [of the COVID-19 vaccines], not yet completed, are
also included. This schedule, which ‘extends from 2021 to at least 2024,’
depending on which COVID-19 vaccine is involved.”
is the marvelous quality of the inorganic cocktail tens of millions of people
across the nation, and hundreds of millions across the World, are being asked
to trust and get pumped into them! The utter disparity between the official narrative
and the empirical data is so severe it is maddening. Why is so much evidence
being ignored, evaluations being shrugged off, and distributions being rushed?
Perhaps it has something to do with the
billions of dollars these manufacturers are being promised, which taxpayers
will be footing
the bill for, on top of whatever the government decides to add to the fee
(nothing is free, realize that!).
fact, we can easily see these vaccines are just state-sponsored monopolies
being formed so that the manufacturers can turn a profit. How so? Because we
have had viable treatments for the virus practically since it started!
is remdesivir, which we have known officially – but quickly forgot – since May
2020 can help alleviate
COVID-19 symptoms. Hydroxychloroquine has also been confirmed as a very
effective treatment since March 2020 thanks to the industrious and practically
silenced work of Doctor
Vladimir Zelenko, who had a 99.99% success rate across more than 1,450
patients. Ivermectin, which became popular recently, is also an effective alternative, and not
merely horse dewormer as narrative-peddlers have asserted.
noooo, we just have to trust these nascent and unpredictable chemical
cocktails that are making billions for corporations and only give recipients
the assurance they will need to get these dangerous serums again yearly!
in summary, let us realize these four facts about the COVID-19 vaccines: First
off, while the deaths they’ve caused are not nearly as high as the virus itself,
it is still very, very dangerous. Secondly, these vaccines are by no means
good, because of the high number of adverse reactions and the infection rate of
fully vaccinated people (and the complete rejection of this fact by the powers-that
be-is disturbing). Third, all these vaccines are insufficiently and disturbingly
understudied, and rather than being distributed with enough evaluations they
are still being evaluated. Fourth, this all appears as one big money scheme to
give the relevant conglomerates billions of dollars through products they have
a monopoly on.
this alone should be enough to turn someone off from these mysterious drugs
everyone is trying to jab us with. Vaccine enthusiasts can’t even hide behind their
last resort of, “Oh, well, the vaccines might not keep you healthy, but they’ll
keep you alive!” This is because there is plenty
of data showing that the vaccinated are making up considerable portions of
recent COVID-19 deaths, not the unvaccinated.
Of course, there will be the occasional COVIDiot who won’t pay attention, but oh well. Wisdom is for the few, not the many. At the very least you can enlighten yourself with these facts, if not anyone else. Once we get through this utter travesty, there will be hell to pay for those who profited off all this pain.
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