News Flash, Abortion Is Evil
IN today’s culture, not just in America but also most of the West, abortion is a
hot-button issue. For nearly a half-century now a war has been unfolding between
the pro-life and pro-choice camps. I can mention the various Establishment
assets being operated on either side, but that is not the focus of today’s
article. Instead, abortion plain and simple is my focus.
I want to focus on is pretty much the primary thought on either side: “How do
we end this conflict?” How do we end the question over the act of abortion,
over the nature of human life and the infant. Can this theater of the culture
war be resolved, and in whose favor can it end in?
fact of the matter is, like so many other sociopolitical issues such as
immigration or homosexuality, the answer is already settled by clear,
unadulterated data. This data, however,
is oppressed by the ideological vanguard in academia and blocked by the mainstream
media. What I am going to lay out in the course of this article is data that
has been accessible for years, but which the Culture War has ignored in order
to keep fanning factionalism and hostility.
how do we tackle this issue? I believe it lies in understanding the fundamental
difference between the two camps, especially in their perception of the embryo
and its life. The pro-lifer views the embryo as a living infant, and the
pro-choicer views it as an unliving fetus. If the “womb-being”, to be crudely
PC, is alive, then – as a life-stage of Homo sapiens – it is absolutely
a living human and has personhood. If not, the opposite applies, and it can be
aborted at will.
let us get down to tackling this. First off, let us address a go-to assertion
of the pro-choice camp, and not even of some radical elements of it, that is
used to denigrate the nature of the infant, so as to make it seem like an
inferior organism whether or not we view it as alive. This view of the infant
in the womb constitutes a fail-safe that makes abortion a bit more morally
gray, which is all the pro-choicers need to get bystanders to join their side
out of pressure. This assertion is that the embryo/infant is little more than a
we need to determine to analyze this claim is simple: What is a parasite? Who
else should we confer with but professional medical organizations? Well, the CDC, to start, defines
a parasite as, “[A]n organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its
food from or at the expense of its host.” Additionally, the esteemed medical dictionary
Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (19th ed.) defines a parasite as an
“organism that lives within, upon, or at the expense of another organism (host)
without contributing to its survival” (p. 1582). As we can see, the concept of
a parasite is pretty much consistent.
there is a host organism and another organism, and the other organism embeds
itself into the host and siphons off of it, off its nutrients and energy,
giving nothing in return, then we have a parasitic organism. The question now
is, “Does a human infant fit these qualities?” It seems obvious all we need to
do is show whether or not an infant exhibits these defining features while in
the womb.
we examine anything, let me begin by pointing out – even without contrary
evidence – the claim that infants are parasites is logically flawed. Even if we
can show that infants do give back to the mother, the fact is there will never
be balance between the two as the mother has the burden of nurturing a whole
organism, a multicellular eukaryotic mammal, which requires a lot. If a
simple imbalance in what is given and received in return between mother and
offspring makes said offspring a parasite, then every instance of sexual
reproduction in the animal kingdom must be redefined as parasitism, something
no biologist worth their salt will do.
it is time for data. When I speak of benefits that a woman might receive from
childbearing, I do not mean societal ones like the respect of being a mother or
being offered up seats on public transportation. Those are social norms and
benefits of motherhood, not explicitly childbearing. I want to show
examples of biological advantages that might be gained by a mother through the
phenomenon of pregnancy.
and it did not take long, I was able to find an article from the website What
To Expect. This site, just in case anyone wants to prod, is a
legitimate outlet of medical information, as it is supervised by a medical review team
made up of many authentic pediatricians, OB/GYNs, endocrinologists, and other
relevant specialists. In the article by them regarding the medical benefits of
childbearing, the following examples are given:
1. Easier
menstruation – Both I and the article probably began with this for good reason,
because a woman’s time of the month is her biggest aggravation. The idea that
having a child could make this experience less stressful? I’m a man and it even
makes me feel glad. The article explains that the less severe cramps are likely
due to the workout the uterus gets from pregnancy and birthing.
2. Less
susceptible to cancers – Not only does breastfeeding, which is more of an
aspect of motherhood, decrease the chance of breast cancer, but the overall
hormonal shifts caused by pregnancy seem to lead to a statistically lesser
chance of certain gynocentric cancers, like ovarian and endometrial.
3. Resistance
to MS – This is perhaps the most surprising benefit, because who knew
childbearing and multiple sclerosis had any commonality. Yet, going through
pregnancy seems to outright halve the chance of acquiring this disorder.
In fact, the effect seems accumulative, with mothers of 5+ kids having a 94%
decrease in susceptibility.
4. Cardiovascular
health – Even though the responsibility and raising of a child might get your
blood pressure going, it has actually been observed that a woman’s risk of
heart disease decreases if they’ve been with child and breastfed. What has been
observed is that breastfeeding only a single child for under a year can lower a
mother’s risk of heart disease. This is quite significant as heart disease is
the biggest killer of women. Diabetes and high blood pressure can get thrown
into the mix.
5. What
To Expect also states that the hormonal rush experienced during
pregnancy likely will lead to long-term emotional benefits, which they
attribute to the hormone oxytocin. The mental, but even biological bond,
between mother and child is actually helpful, and can carry on its benefits for
five examples are pretty amazing, and probably far more than anyone would have
expected. I’m sure you could possibly find a way to create more out of just these
five, maybe by considering the decreased risk of diabetes mentioned in example
four as its own unique benefit (making six). But from what we can see, an
infant in the womb does give their mother a host of medical benefits.
When you consider all the care and attention, all the medical and social
benefits of childbearing, a baby simply cannot be deemed a parasite by any
might want to object and assert the parasitism of infants due to the high rate
of maternal mortality up until the advent and proliferation of modern medicine.
However, there is and was no causal relationship between maternal mortality rates
and the infants themselves. Medical science has always acknowledged that these
deaths were due to a cause independent of the mother and infant, and as
historian Richard Meckel has shown in his lauded book Save
the Babies, the issue was a poor understanding of prenatal care, mismanagement
of the birthing process, and the general lack of sanitation during this time
simple fact is that infants are organisms, not parasites. As shown above, they
do in fact give some very important things back to their mothers. What we also
need to consider is what I also stated before regarding the logical fallacy
behind calling babies parasites. We would have to reduce all of sexual
reproduction to mere parasitism. Thankfully, logic and medical evidence
prevents us from doing that in any rational capacity.
as I mentioned before, reducing infants to parasites is merely a fail-safe by
pro-choicers so they can argue, even if it can be demonstrated that infants are
alive, infants are merely an inferior form of life, parasites, that we should
be okay with killing. Having knocked that out of the ballpark, we can move on
to determining whether or not infants are really alive.
pro-choice activists will assert that the inability for an infant to survive on
its own means it’s not alive. This is logically and scientifically
absurd. This is because of the same reasons why calling babies parasites is
absurd, because it would require an untenable redefinition of sexual
reproduction by biologists, something they cannot do in reason because they
understand it’s not true. The dependency of one organism on another is a
symbiosis, and there is nothing unalive about the dependent specimen.
Additionally, human infants are dependent only until birth, after which it has
only the basic human necessities: food, water, and warmth.
what scientific evidence is there that infants are alive, that from the zygotic
stage they constitute a distinct human organism? Well, research conducted by Doctor
Maureen Condic of the Charlotte
Lozier Institute, and by the American
College of Pediatricians, which only represent two studies out of a
whole host of pro-life literature, provide us with our much needed data.
an [living] organism is properly defined as “a complex structure of
interdependent and subordinate elements whose relations and properties are
largely determined by their function in the whole…” (From Merriam-Webster,
quoted by Doctor Condic) It is a systematized and multicellular biological
entity, in more clinical terms. Can we find these qualities of an organism in
the womb? If we can, the implications are that an organism distinct from the
sperm of the father and ovum of the mother exists in the womb, and therefore an
independent life that is a human being.
article by the Lozier Institute explains that a zygote is
qualitatively an organism because it produces increasingly complex tissues,
structures and organs that work together in a coordinated way. The ACP states,
“Cooperation between sperm and egg components to achieve replication of DNA,
cell division, and growth occurs as maternally and paternally derived factors
in the zygote begin interacting with and chemically modifying each other to
initiate the final round of meiotic division in the maternally derived nucleus
to enable DNA replication.” What we see here is a biological entity growing,
interacting, replicating, and exhibiting various biological processes, and mind
you this all is occurring within the first 24 hours after
important thing about this biological activity, as noted by Lozier’s Doctor
Condic, is that it is not characteristic in the slightest of cells,
which pro-choicers like to refer to infants as a mere clump of. Cells, when
they begin replicating and interacting and growing larger and complex
structures, are not being organisms. Instead, physicians for centuries have
called this behavior by cells cancer. Cancer does not grow into a human
being, but embryos do.
the ACP concludes, “It is clear that from the time of cell fusion, the embryo
consists of elements…which function interdependently in a coordinated manner to
carry on the function of the development of the human organism. From this
definition, the single-celled embryo is not just a cell, but an organism,
a living being, a human being.” And remember, this is within the first day,
meaning that morning-after pills and other abortifacients that are used after
insemination are killing distinct human organisms.
read these articles on your own. They are quite interesting and also reference
some additional literature on the matter of life-at-conception. Now, let us
rejoice in the fact that we have clearly identified that the fertilized embryo
is a distinct human being within hours of conception. There are many more
examples of how early life begins in the embryo, such as the fact that they gain
a heartbeat by three weeks, or that the
brain begins developing within five.
what we have examined so far is evidence that an infant in the womb is not at
all a parasite, nor just a clump of cells. We have proven this both through
logical arguments and scientific data. If a baby was a parasite, all of sexual
reproduction would have to be reclassified as parasitism (which is vastly
irrational), and the science shows that babies do give back some
important things to their mothers. If a baby was just a clump of cells then it
would be a tumor, but no tumor has ever developed into a living organism; in
contrast the qualities of being a living organism are abundant in an infant
from the early zygotic stage.
said all this, I believe there is one final pro-choice argument that can be
levied, negating all that has been discussed so far. This is the so-called “An
acorn is not a tree” argument. Essentially, since an acorn has the potentiality
to be a tree, the embryo also has the potentiality to be a human; but
since potentiality is different from actuality, then it is reasonable to
call the embryo nonhuman, like the acorn is not actually a tree. Matt Slick
provides a good rejection of this argument, but since it is lengthy, I will
only be able to provide a snippet of it below:
assume for the moment that the tree in question is an oak tree, and the acorn
is from that oak tree. The problem with the above argument is that the acorn is
by nature oak. It is not a tree. By definition, a tree is a fully developed
plant. An acorn, by definition, is an undeveloped plant. Therefore, to say that
an acorn is not a tree is correct, but it is still oak by nature. Their
analogy is not a correct analogy anymore than saying a baby is not an
adult, and therefore the baby is not human. By definition, a baby is human
and so is an adult. Therefore, the problem with this defense to support
the aborting of babies is that it uses an improper pairing of words
without dealing with the nature of what those words represent.”
the acorn-tree argument suffers from a logical fallacy. A toddler and an
elderly person are both human beings, just at different stages. In the same way
an embryo – which we have shown is an organism – and a toddler, or adult, are
both human, just at different stages. The acorn is an oak, the sapling is an
oak, and the tree is an oak. The whole article by Slick is much larger than the
single paragraph above, and I encourage reading his critique all the way
through, which you can access here.
through logical arguments and scientific data, we have left the pro-choice camp
dead in the water. The infant is not a parasite or a tumor, but a dynamic and
distinct organism that begins its life cycle essentially right at conception.
The “potentiality” for life is a falsehood, and a human being at all stages –
from adolescence to zygote – is indeed actually human.
I am not yet done with this subject. The title of this article betrays that I
am intending to discuss more than just the science of embryonic life/abortion.
I intend to discuss the innate lack of morality in the abortion industry. This
systematic immorality goes far beyond killing – as has been proven – living
organisms, but involves covert eugenics in the industry and the detrimental
health effects of abortion. Let us begin.
A great amount of research on the immorality of the abortion industry has been conducted by the Elliot Institute, through their “The UnChoice” campaign. The Institute published a few years back a highly researched report on “Forced Abortion in America”, compiling a vast amount of data exposing how heinous the abortion phenomenon is. According to them (see page 2 of the report):
- 64% of women reported feeling pressured to have an abortion.
- 84% were not sufficiently informed before having their abortion.
- 65% of women suffer trauma symptoms after abortion.
- Abortion clinics systematically fail to spot signs of coercion.
And there is much more to go over, but that is just a shocking sliver. The report also covers the tragedy of homicide following coerced abortions, or because of women resisting coercion. The report mentions (see page 12):
- A police officer murdering his pregnant girlfriend to avoid paying child support.
- A 21-year-old who murdered his pregnant teenage girlfriend by crushing her skull with a 30-pound boulder.
- Another man murdered his pregnant girlfriend after she refused to get an abortion, and was caught in the act of disposing of her body.
again, there are so many more similar atrocities. Of course, these examples might seem to be personal
issues, not symptomatic of the abortion industry. However, the fact is that the
abortion industry can be implicated as responsible or negligent in many of
these cases. From the lack of counseling and screening for coercion mentioned
earlier, to pregnant athletes and employees being discriminated against for not
having an abortion (see page 3), numerous agents and associates of the abortion
industry are abusing women on a national level for having babies and not
wanting to abort.
UnChoice campaign also covers the medical risks of abortion. It
mentions that 66% of women who get abortions and get pregnant again later have miscarriages
or complicated pregnancies. Women who get abortions have a much higher risk of
infertility, ectopic pregnancies, hysterectomies, and other ailments.
Essentially, women who do not get abortions get the inverse of the benefits
women who do get pregnant and give birth receive (such as the ones listed
earlier in this article), like a greater risk of breast or ovarian cancer,
heart disease, and other conditions. Women also suffer broad psychological risks, like
PTSD and anxiety. An external controlled
study is also referenced that showed a clear relationship between abortions
and negative psychological effects, rather than with any other pre-existing
evidence is abundant for the rampant and severe mismanagement and hostility
within the abortion industry, and for the unavoidable pain – physical and
mental – from abortion. It makes no sense for pro-choicers to call abortion a
women’s rights and health issue, because abortion very clearly is anything but
helpful for the rights and health of women. As is the motto of The UnChoice
campaign, abortion is simply unwanted, unsafe, and unfair.
roots of the abortion industry itself are in murky waters, such as eugenics. As
might be known to a number of pro-life activists, but few pro-choice ones,
Margaret Sanger – the mother of the American abortion industry – was a staunch
eugenicist. This fact goes totally unmentioned on mainstream outlets, such as
Wikipedia (which only mentions it in one small sentence of her article’s
introduction), but she is widely quoted as saying:
“Those least fit to carry
on the race are increasing most rapidly… Funds that should be used to raise the
standard of our civilization are diverted to maintenance of those who should
never have been born.”
The above quote is given in her autobiography The Pivot
of Civilization. She strongly talked about the connections between eugenics
and birth control, stating in her pro-abortion journal The
Birth Control Review:
“Before eugenists and
others who are laboring for racial betterment can succeed, they must first
clear the way for Birth Control. Like the advocates of Birth Control, the
eugenists, for instance, are seeking to assist the race toward the elimination
of the unfit…”
“Birth Control and Racial Betterment”, that was the name of
the article. How atrocious, and yet her sycophants – even decades after her
life – squeal that she was not a racist because she worked with African-Americans
to…abort the Black race. Hmm… The Human
Life International’s article on Sanger and her sour connections is full of
fascinating trivia, such as Sanger’s influence on Ernst Rüdin, the czar of Nazi
Germany’s eugenics and racial purity programs. Planned Parenthood, her federally-funded
brainchild, to this day kills
countless African-American infants, the ethnic group which has the more
abortions than any other.
We can also look into the disinformation and propaganda of
the abortion industry. NARAL, perhaps the most influential pro-abortion organization
in America other than Planned Parenthood, is the source of some famous
pro-choice slogans, all of which
were built upon lies. This mountain of lies was exposed by abortion turncoat
Bernard Nathanson, who is rarely mentioned at all on Wikipedia’s
abortion-related pages (such as “Abortion”, “Abortion rights”, “NARAL”, “Birth
control”, and others). Nathanson stated that he “remember[s] laughing when [he]
made those slogans up,” and that, “[they] were looking for some sexy, catchy
slogans to capture public opinion.”
Here are some other enlightening lies that Nathanson and his colleagues made up to get abortion popular:
- “We aroused enough sympathy to sell our program of permissive abortion by fabricating the number of illegal abortions done annually in the U.S. The actual figure was approaching 100,000, but the figure we gave to the media repeatedly was 1,000,000.”
- “The number of women dying from illegal abortions was around 200-250 annually. The figure we constantly fed to the media was 10,000.”
- “Knowing that if a true poll were taken, we would be soundly defeated, we simply fabricated the results of fictional polls. We announced to the media that we had taken polls and that 60 percent of Americans were in favor of permissive abortion.”
efficiency of Nathanson & Co.’s lies were immense. According to Nathanson himself,
“…abortion is now being used as a primary method of birth control in the U.S.
and the annual number of abortions has increased by 1,500 percent since
legalization.” New York had a 140-year-old abortion law in effect, but when
NARAL flooded the New York airways and newspapers with their deceitful information
the law was overturned rapidly, and New York has since become the abortion
capital of America.
whole situation is a tragedy, and while I do not want to digress into discussing
the Establishment and elitist agenda behind this, I do want to note there is
one, which I suppose I can elaborate on in a later article. As is clearly
proven by the science laid out above, and for most of this article, abortion is
an immoral act because it involves the killing of a truly living and distinct human
organism. Abortion as an industry is an immoral travesty, too, as we have shown
by exploring its roots in misinformation, eugenics, and other vices.
infant in the womb, from soon after fertilization, is living. As shown by the critique
of the “Acorn is not a tree” argument, it does not matter if this living organism
is in its first stage of development, or its last, it is still human (just like
an old person and a toddler are both humans). Being a human being, it is
subject to rights, to its natural rights (not civil, as it is not a born
citizen yet), which include life. Abortion is infanticide, a “fetus” is
an infant, and the easy solution to unwanted pregnancies (the pro-choicer’s
last resort) is what it has been forever, abstinence.
is a lot more to be said on this subject, although I do believe I have given a sufficient
treatment of it in this article. For more, however, I highly suggest the two
sources that provided with very enlightening data. These are the Charlotte Lozier and Elliot Institutes. I’d also
suggest the Human Life International’s two-part series on the unruly origins of
the abortion industry (Part
1, Part
2). Nothing gets done by armchair activists, so as I do a lot in my
articles, I implore you to do something in real life to address this evil
plaguing our society.
our children, why don’t ya?
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