What Is Happening? Part Two

          WHEN I wrote “What Is Happening?” a month ago, I believed it would be a one-and-done subject. We all knew the post-election period would be exhausting, and that we would just have to get through it, grinning and bearing. Well, both the ever-hostile mainstream media and the ferocity of Rudy Giuliani’s nationwide legal crusade surprised all of us. Shortly after I published the article, Sydney Powell came into focus, and then a few weeks afterwards the legal battlefield intensified drastically. What all this drama has done is provide another greater treasure trove of data regarding the potential compromization of our electoral system. In my first article, I included four pieces of evidence that show signs of fraudulent activity during the election; in this article, I will be including five proofs, since the evidence has just grown that much.

          The first and most mind-blowing piece of information to surface since November 10 is evidence, first leaked by VOTERGA, that Dominion Voting Systems tabulators returned more votes for Biden than the machine had scanned. The exact results were 37 shorted from Trump and 37 votes added to Biden, and considering the 0.52% margin these 74 votes represent – double the statewide vote margin – the consequences of this error are likely immense. As I stated in the first article, Dominion has jurisdiction over the votes of nearly 70 million Americans in over 1,600 precincts nationwide. Given the fact that this very same thing happened in Antrim County – a thousand miles away, no common denominator between them besides Dominion Voting Systems – the only logical response is to greatly question the integrity of our election. How did this happen twice, in two different counties, in two different states, with two different teams, with one same result!?

          The next major piece of evidence still continues with Dominion Voting but exposes another massive weak link in the mysterious company’s character. In an interview with FOX News on November 22, Dominion Voting spokesman Michael Steele appeared to give a passionate defense of the institution, claiming that it was “not physically possible for [Dominion’s] machines to switch votes” and that “they [Dominion] are not connected to the Internet.” This, of course, not only contradicts with the fact that it is physically possible, as we saw happen in Antrim and Wayne Counties and perhaps even elsewhere, but with eyewitness testimonies and Dominion’s own info.

During the Georgia Senate hearings a few days ago, veteran poll worker Susan Voyles explained how “Dominion tech specialists had ‘operated remotely’ on her and her teams’ ballot-marking devices and poll pads after the team had experienced some technical glitches and problems.” The only way for this interaction to happen, as Mrs. Voyles explained, is for there to be an Internet connection between the Dominion voting machines and wherever these Dominion technical specialists work.

This greatly weakens Mr. Steele’s contradictory accusations and is not even the single piece of evidence that discredits the idea that Dominion voting machines were isolated from Internet connections. On November 30, during the Arizona hearings, cybersecurity expert Colonel Phil Waldron was brought forth to testify the following: “The Dominion suite user manual is about an inch and a half thick. My team went back through the user manual and looked at all the instances where in the user’s manual it tells operators to connect the ethernet cords to the router, and it is—the systems are connected to the Internet,” and that, “Our teams looked at spirographs on the Dominion network on Election Day and showed the increased web traffic, internet traffic on Election Day for Dominion servers. In a nutshell, these systems are not what you have been told, if you have been told anything. They are connected to the internet.”

So, in Georgia and Arizona we have sworn evidence that Dominion voting machines were connected to the Internet, contradicting spokesman Steele’s claims, which also included the lie that Dominion machines could not flip votes, even though there are two confirmed instances of that in two vastly distant counties. But it does not end there! Shortly after the election, an affidavit procured from Patrick Colbeck stated that he had “observed an icon identifying an active internet connection on the screens of the computers used to tabulate and adjudicate ballots” and “[a] security incident at 10 on November 3 would seem to indicate that they [the voting machines] were connected to internet via Wi-Fi.”

These nationwide examples of lies and incongruencies regarding the integrity and security our poll workers and voting machines lack is mind-boggling, and I just do not believe any levelheaded American could accept these conditions. At the very least, hopefully the FEC could claim “plausible deniability” for jeopardizing our electoral system, because surely we have not known of Dominion’s troubles since the beginning of the year!

Two frustrating displays of how weak our electoral process has become, two more to go!

The next one involves outright evidence of voter fraud occurring in Fulton County, Georgia. First revealed during the Georgia Senate hearings on December 3, when Jacki Pick released security footage from Atlanta’s State Farm Arena showing a very disturbing scene unfold. At around 10:30 PM, poll watchers and media at the Arena said that “people were sent home, told to stop working, [and] stop counting,” and ostensibly this was because of a pipe burst, but what released evidence shows is that the story of a pipe burst was flimsy and exaggerated, barely necessitating an evacuation of the facility. Overlooking all other evidence, many “debunkers” and “fact”-“checkers” have haughtily put forth the notion that this is a frivolous matter. They claim something along the lines that, “Poll watchers need not be present.”

Well, that claim is not only false, with Mrs. Pick – an attorney, if I did not mention that – asserting that “they broke Georgia law here by not permitting our Republican poll watchers and press to be present,” but it is not at all what happened: poll watchers were forced to leave at 10:30 PM for fallacious reasons, they were told – however, for ease of mind – that poll counting would cease for the night, and then after waiting for some time – at around 11:00 PM – the several remaining poll workers removed a box of ballots that were hidden under a table. Even if poll watchers are not required, which is not true, what reason would the poll workers have to lie about the reason to dismiss everyone, and why would they remain behind and continue counting votes after saying they were to be done for the night? Finally, the ballots in that box are believed to be 15,000 to 18,000 strong, which represents over 100% of the vote margin between Trump and Biden currently in Georgia (which is 11,779).

          The next upsetting discovery is a bit easier to digest and requires simple algebra you likely learned in high school to discover. By looking at up-to-date registration data from states, population estimates from the Census Bureau, and comparing and contrasting, what you discover is that some counties, perhaps nearly 400, had registration rates exceeding 100% of their citizen voting age population (CVAP). Let us take a look at randomly selected San Juan County, Colorado in order to put this into focus.

According to the most recent pre-election voter registration data from Colorado the number of active registered voters in San Juan County was 650, and the total amount of voters were 772. However, when you look at Census data and estimates, things do not line up: the population estimate for San Juan County in 2019 was 728 (and if that estimate is good enough for Wikipedia to include, it is good enough for me to include), and the estimate for the above-eighteen voting age population in 2019 was 87.1% of the population (which resembles the 87.5% recorded in 2010) or 634 people. So, if your county is estimated to only have 728 people, how is your total number of registered voters 775, and if your county is estimated to only have 634 adults, how is your total number of registered voters 775? This trend can be detected in many of the counties listed by the Judicial Watch as having more voters than residents, and I personally went through ten random counties in key states and found these same statistical discrepancies (Nassau County: 88,625 residents, 71,011 voting age adults, 72,223 registered voters; Antrim County: 23,324 residents, 18,964 voting age adults, 22,171 registered voters; Fayette County: 114,421 residents, 88,101 voting age adults, 92,427 registered voters; etc. etc.).

          The fifth and final topic for the night involves a look at Maricopa County, which became the last and most hectic battleground for electoral controversies. In terms of fraudulent activity, there are two main takeaways from Maricopa County. First, according to Phil Waldron (mentioned earlier), a total of 35,000 fraudulent votes were given to the Democrats in Maricopa County. Waldron already proved that Dominion voting machines were actually connected to the Internet, contrary to Dominion’s own claims. Secondly, another witness at the Maricopa County hearings, Shiva Ayyadurai, explained that the only way for Biden to have caught up with Trump was by Biden getting 130% of Democratic votes. The whole Maricopa County shenanigan is full of madness, such as nepotic appointments and utter ineptitude.

We all remember very well how the entirety of Trump’s administration, election, and earliest months were marked by the Russian collusion malarkey that kept circulating without rest across the airways. The left, which spent so many years whining about this perceived fraud, are absolutely silent and violently denialist regarding fraud in 2020, likely because it was them who “won”. Despite, say, the evidence I have given, which anyone can find publicly (like, you know, I did), and other evidence I did not touch, the vast majority of leftists stamp their feet and cover their ears, forcing their poor moderate liberal companions to do the same.

It does not matter if reports come straight from the Director of National Intelligence implicating China for interfering in the election (far more credible than half-assed and partisan “reports” concocted by a sham special counsel probe), the denial is relentless. While a few hundred bot accounts and $100,000 amounts to catastrophic, systematic electoral interference to the mainstream media, the network of irregularities and fraudulent activity that was activated on November 3 is considered so far from possible everyone who believes in it should be considered mentally ill! Even though they spent their time doing the research to prove that voting machines are susceptible to interference, they have completely turned on their heels and repeatedly espouse ad nauseam, “Electoral fraud is exceedingly rare!” The historical negationism and hypocrisy is just tiring at this point.

The Deep State network that permeates this whole charade is of worth noting, too. Other than the usual suspects, such as the Clinton network and Biden circus, there are a few other familiar faces. Dominion Voting Systems, one of the most influential voting companies in America, is at the crossroads of its own Deep State network. A legal counsel for Dominion met with John Podesta, the chief henchman of the Clinton mafia, expressing an interest to “help with your campaign”. Dominion’s owner has also received $400 million from a CCP-linked bank, the same CCP backing Joe Biden. Indeed, Staple Street Capital, the firm which owns Dominion, is derived from a vast Deep State network that involves the little-known Carlyle Group.

          When I first wrote on this subject in November, I had no idea all this would unfold. I applaud and thank all the hard-working men and women, the hundreds of them, who were involved over time to uncover all this. However, I am still boundlessly aggravated that it is up to continuously suspended and silenced accounts on social media and low-profile outlets like mine to spread this information, as the Establishment media wishes no one to be wise to the decay of our republic.

While it might unfortunately be too late to salvage the Trump administration, by God we better not let up before the midterms, because if the culprits of this vast ocean of deceit think they can get away with this we must prove them wrong. The best weapon to use against tyrant-hopefuls is the truth, and as the great George Orwell once said, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Keep fighting hard for our Republic, do not let the truth fizzle out at the hands of the Elite, and make sure 2022 is an act of revenge for the illiberal embarrassment 2020 was.


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