How the Left is Backed by the Deep State
FOR the many decades it has existed as a predominant ideology, leftism has
championed itself as Mankind’s salvation, its vindication from sickness,
poverty, oppression, etc. This
is asinine utopianism. Now, while utopianism might be foolishness, this
certainly hasn’t stopped the left from rising in America. No matter how
disputable the 2020 election was, left-wing Joe Biden got tons of votes,
showing that tens of millions of Americans were willing to steer America in his
direction (even though they had the choice for more moderate candidates in the
primaries). The Democratic Party most certainly is turning
ever-leftward, and Europe is far ahead.
wouldn’t you know that the Deep State (especially via its most infamous organ,
the CIA) is helping the left? Unbelievable, I know, yet true. While leftists
such as Joe
Biden and Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez champion “grassroots campaigning”, the truth is they are the
astroturfed puppets of global aristocrats. The simple truth is that the leftist
ideology, especially in America (but with enough global ties), is nothing more
than a top-down scheme to enact catastrophic structural changes. Do not worry,
I will defend such a major claim throughout this article.
we begin our investigation into various left-wing outlets and organizations,
let me define some terminology. A number of foundations and groups will be
named in the course of this article. You should know who they are. Most
importantly, you should know their Deep State connections.
of the most prominent and influential donors in America is the Rockefeller
dynasty, which has a multi-billion-dollar endowment to throw around. The Rockefeller
family has been highly connected to the intelligence community even before the
CIA officially came to exist in 1947. Nelson Rockefeller, who would serve as
Vice President, was a fanboy of clandestine operations and was very positive of
his strong links to the CIA, such as his involvement with MK-ULTRA (Reich 1996,
p. 559). He’d (ironically) later chair an investigation into the CIA’s
activities. Nelson’s brother, David, was even more connected to the CIA,
because he was the confidant of the first CIA director Allen Dulles, who made
sure David was constantly briefed on CIA operations (Reich 1996, p. 559). David
was also a close friend of CIA agent William Bundy (Bird 1998, pp. 180-181),
brother of Vietnam War architect and National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy
(the Bundys were, in return, close friends of the Dulles brothers, too). John
J. McCloy, a CFR
president and long-time bureaucrat, was part of the Rockefeller circle, and
also had close ties to the CIA (Saunders 1999, p. 141).
Both somewhat independent
of and yet still connected to the Rockefellers is the Ford Foundation. The Ford
Foundation was set up by, you guessed it, Henry Ford in 1936, and it is one of
the wealthiest private foundations in the World. However, the Foundation has
not been readily controlled by the Ford family since the 1950s. Instead,
Establishment and Rockefeller assets have. For example, McGeorge Bundy -
national security executive and Rockefeller associate - led the Foundation for
over a decade. David Rockefeller had such influence over the Foundation
that, back in 1953, he was able to promise Allen Dulles the Ford Foundation
presidency if Eisenhower did not keep him as CIA director (Saunders 1999, p.
141). Aforementioned Rockefeller associate John McCloy was a Ford Foundation
trustee and chairman from 1953 to 1965, and once stated that the CIA was
actively trying to infiltrate the organization (Saunders 1999, pp. 141-142).
do not fret, this is not just me plastering conspiracy theories on ambiguous
connections. The CIA-Rockefeller connections are very real. Even the U.S.
government, via the little-known Church Committee, acknowledged this! According
to their Final
Report of the Senate Committee to Study Governmental Operations, Book 1:
Foreign and Military Intelligence (pages 182, 183):
“The CIA’s intrusion
into the foundation field in the 1960s can only be described as massive.
Excluding grants from the ‘Big Three’ - Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie - of
the 700 grants over $10,000 given by 164 other foundations during the period
1963-1966, at least 108 involved partial or complete CIA funding. More
importantly, CIA funding was involved in nearly half the grants the non-’Big
Three’ foundations made during this period in the field of international
activities. … The philanthropic [CIA] fronts used prior to 1967 funded a
seemingly limitless range of covert action programs affecting youth groups,
labor unions, universities, publishing houses, and other private institutions
in the United States and abroad.”
CIA-tied groups dominated private donations during the 1960s, along with the
equally CIA-tied Rockefeller and Ford Foundations. It is an absolute fact that
the CIA heavily financed various groups and entities. The question now,
however, is whether or not this financing and infiltration of various entities
has continued, persisting beyond the Cold War. However, we are not ready to
address that yet, because there are a few more foundations we need to talk
about so you know why they’re important when I mention them.
up we must address the most well-known and infamous philanthropist, George
Soros (the man who gleefully
betrayed his fellow Jews) and his Open Society Foundations. While various
left-leaning outlets try to portray any condemnations of him as mere anti-Semitism,
this is not the case. George Soros is indeed unbelievably well-connected and
powerful, and, most importantly, CIA-connected. Not only was Soros working
with the CIA-linked Institute for East-West Security Studies back in the
1980s, but – by his own admission – he
worked with the KGB in the same time period. He also (again, his own
admission) worked
with and helped empower the Russian oligarchy in the 1990s. Furthermore,
the CCP banned Soros from China for
being a CIA asset; why would they make this up, alienating such a powerful
leftist in the West?
Didn’t take too long to
disprove the mainstream media apologetics, hmm?
I want to discuss the MacArthur Foundation. It was founded by philanthropists
John and Catherine MacArthur in 1970, and has financed a number of left-leaning
causes since then. Besides being a multi-billion-dollar foundation set up by
upper-class people, it has a variety of other astroturfed aspects. For example,
a director of the Foundation (chair from 1986-1995) was the late Elizabeth McCormack, an important decades-long
advisor to the Rockefeller family. She was also a long-time trustee of the
Population Control Council, a
Rockefeller-founded eugenics group. Another member of the Foundation was
Thorton Bradshaw, who was a trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund in the
same timeframe. There was also Morton
Halperin, a deeply Soros- and CFR-connected activist. All of these
individuals, and others, overlapped with one another’s tenures at the MacArthur
foundation that is important to note is the Tides Foundation, set up in 1976 by
Drummond Pike, a major leftist donor. The Tides Foundation has been described
as a clearing house for a variety of elites, such as the Rockefellers, Soros,
the Gates, Fords, and others. In fact, between 1998 and 2018, the three
CIA-linked foundations we have examined thus far have
contributed millions to the Tides Foundation:
The Rockefeller network (Brothers Fund, Family Fund, Philanthropy Advisors, and Foundation) have donated over $10,000,000.
The Ford Foundation has donated a whopping $26+ million.
Soros-linked groups have given Tides over $20 million.
The Carnegie Corporation, mentioned by the Church Committee as one of the “Big Three” donors, has given $823,486.
total, Establishment-linked groups have given tens of millions of dollars to
the Tides Foundation since the 1990s. Drummond Pike has also worked with the
Center for Community Change, a
Soros- and Ford-backed “grassroots” activist group. Pike does not simply have
a circumstantial connection to Soros, but a direct one, as he helped fund a
massive progressive PAC with
are surely a few more foundations I could examine, but these are good in the
meantime. If we come across any other foundations that deserve some exposition,
I will provide said exposition. In the meantime, we have a sufficient
understanding of some of the heavyweights in the donor industry, their
connections with one another, and their ties to the Establishment/CIA. With
this, we may begin showing the Deep State-linked network that controls the
Now, unarguably one of
the most influential New Left organizations in recent history is Black Lives
Matter, which I covered in my article “The
Greater Threat of Leftism”. Even despite some fluctuations, Black
Lives Matter’s popularity is still high amongst the general public. While
BLM is praised as independent
and grassroots by mainstream media, the truth is that the movement is
overwhelmingly backed by the Establishment.
Back in 2014, the
Ferguson riots - which is what made BLM famous - were heavily financed and
organized by
Soros, to the tune of $33 million. It gets even crazier because, in July of
2020, the Open Society Foundations pledged over
$200 million to the BLM-affiliated racial justice movement. Major Soros
donors James and Robin Wood also seem to be giving BLM leader DeRay Mckesson bed
and board. Back in 2016, the
Ford Foundation and the Borealis Philanthropy set up a $100 million fund
for Black Lives Matter. This fund will help with logistics, planning,
coordination, and other key elements of engaging in activism; essentially, the
Ford Foundation is directly giving life to BLM. It also backs defunding the
police, abolishing private education, giving non-citizens voting rights, and
It is worth taking a
moment to discuss Borealis Philanthropy, as it has a lot of fascinating
connections. Borealis has been led by activist Margarita
Rubalcava since its inception in 2014, who was educated at the elite
Columbia University’s globalist School of International and Public Affairs.
Prior to Borealis, Rubalcava worked for several years for the NEO Philanthropy
(via its Four Freedoms Fund), an organization that was established by
years-long Rockefeller Family Fund manager Donald
Ross plus Princeton-
and Harvard-educated Ralph Nader.
Due to how prominent
Black Lives Matter is, its funding by upper-class sources is vast and easy to
uncover. While, of course, not all these are as directly CIA-linked as, say,
the Rockefeller-Ford-Soros trifecta we looked at earlier, they are still
corporate elites astroturfing Black Lives Matter. PayPal,
Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and other multinationals have funneled hundreds of millions of
dollars into the orbit of Black Lives Matter.
Another important
left-wing organization is the Alliance for Global Justice. If you remember my article
“The Greater Threat of Leftism”, you most likely remember the AFGJ, because I
made note of how it was founded by the
bloodthirsty Sandinista regime. The AFGJ is behind the funding and
organizing of dozens of left-wing organizations and their millions of total
members. However, who funds and organizes the AFGJ? Well, according
to InfluenceWatch, familiar names such as the Open Society
Foundations and Tides Foundation have contributed to the group. Also among the
list of donors is the Public Welfare Foundation, not exactly a high-profile
group but interesting as it was founded and led by Charles E. Marsh
and his family for decades, a family closely allied to the Roosevelt and
Johnson presidencies.
Another group we can
look at is the highly influential group,
which has millions of members and pumps out millions of dollars. Back in 2016,
organized nationwide protests against Trump that involved thousands of
people, and continues to put together such large-scale events to this day.
has received millions of dollars from George Soros
and the Tides Foundation, and the connection between Soros and
is widely known. has also been backed by six-figure donations from
the Ploughshares Fund (data taken from multiple annual
reports). The Ploughshares Fund itself is a multi-million-dollar foundation
with financial connections to the Rockefellers, Carnegies, and Open Society
Next up I want to look
at Occupy Wall Street, the massive anti-capitalist demonstration that rocked
the financial capital of America back in 2011. What most do not know, yet some
would expect, is that Soros had his hands all over it. This happened through
the Alliance for Global Justice, whose Soros connections we discussed already, as
the AFGJ served as OWS’
financial manager. Soros got himself involved from another angle, via
Columbia University socialist economist (and global aristocrat) Joseph
Stiglitz, who helped train Occupy Wall Street protestors.
So, it looks like the
most notorious protest movement before BLM has just been exposed as yet another
astroturfed project (like BLM itself)....honestly I’m not surprised.
Media Matters for
America was founded by conservative turncoat David Brock back in 2004. Media
Matters has gone after conservative/right-leaning media outlets, working to
combat “conservative disinformation”, yet while also promoting the
Russian collusion narrative. Media Matters for America was set up through a
multi-million-dollar collage of donations from Soros, Tides,,
and others. This collage includes the Ford Foundation, which has donated $4
million over the last decade to Media Matters (find source data here). Brock is also
highly connected with the
Clintons, namely John
Podesta and Hillary Clinton herself.
Another important group,
while not necessarily an activism moment that exerts sociopolitical pressure
via direct action, is the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC operates a
hate-group blacklist, a blacklist which is highly controversial and ambiguous
in its methods, which is described by one of its own officials as “strictly
ideological”. The Open Society Foundations, Ford Foundation, Ploughshares
Fund, the Public Welfare Foundation, and
others have contributed significantly to the SPLC’s 9-figure endowment.
This essentially covers
the majority of the New Left organizations. BLM, AFGJ, MoveOn, these are all
groups that are led and followed by millions of leftists across America. They
all, as we have seen, have deep financial and even personal ties to
establishmentarians and their associates. The phrase, “Follow the money,”
proves ever truer with every election cycle.
However, why are these
connections underreported? Why do these clearly Establishment front groups get
played off as popular movements, authentic representations of what the American
public wants? It is because of the Establishment media that controls the flow
of information. For example, statistics I’ve cited to gauge the popularity of
climate agendas and racial justice are likely eschewed, as Pew was founded by
oil tycoonist Joseph N. Pew Jr., has been heavily funded by the
Tides Foundation ($100+ million), has been given over $12 million by the
Ford-founded Natural Resources Defense Council, and has a
Rockefeller- and Clinton-tied senior vice president.
This is what I want to
cover next, the Establishment-backing of the mainstream media. The media is the
next big organ of the New Left, as it controls the flow of information and can
bias it heavily in favor of the New Left. Even more blatantly and less
surprisingly than the activist groups just examined, the mainstream media is
backed by Deep State finances.
From what I have seen,
the traditional media outlets that dominate the scene are the obvious household
names: CBS, NBC, ABC (the Big Three), and The New York Times (the highly
praised, rabidly
leftist, “newspaper of record” of America). These four outlets not only
dominate circulation and viewership, they have also received representation in
the White House Correspondents’ Association (for example, all of these
companies have leadership positions in the WHCA as of 2021). All of these
outlets have deep ties to the Establishment.
The biggest piece of
evidence for this is one that many who follow me should be aware of already:
Operation Mockingbird. Mockingbird
was started in the 1950s by Allen Dulles and Cord Meyer, and it recruited
journalists from CBS, ABC, NBC, and The New York Times (not exclusively,
of course). CBS’ decades-long executive William S. Paley had a close friendship
with notorious CIA director and Rockefeller family friend Allen Dulles, as
recounted by Deborah Davis. According to her, Dulles and Paley’s relationship
was the most prominent in the industry, and Paley provided Dulles with
commercial cover for his agents (Davis 1991, p. 175).
While unfortunately a
communist, Carl Bernstein (one of the Watergate journalists) wrote an article
in 1977 titled “The
CIA and the Media”, an excellent exposé. In it Bernstein states this:
“Among the executives
who lent their cooperation to the Agency were William Paley of the Columbia
Broadcasting System...Arthur Hays Sulzberger of the New York Times…
Other organizations which cooperated with the CIA include the American
Broadcasting Company, the National Broadcasting Company, the
Associated Press… By far the most valuable of these associations, according to
CIA officials, have been with The New York Times, CBS and
Time Inc.”
The Dulles, Paleys,
Ochs-Sulzbergers, and these other families that make up this network of the
mainstream media and CIA are very interesting to look into. To make it all
simple, they are multigenerational members of the Pilgrims Society, an
outstandingly influential secret society the media makes sure to never report
on (like the Skull & Bones). I have not written anything about the Pilgrims
yet, but Dutch conspiracy scholar Joël van der Reijden has written a masterpiece article on
the Society, which I refer you to.
As we can see, the
mainstream media has been heavily infiltrated by the CIA historically.
Hundreds of journalists across these outlets were involved with Operation
Mockingbird, which began in the 1950s and continued for years afterwards.
Essentially, everything anybody knew about the World between the 1950s and
1970s was controlled by these groups.
However, is Mockingbird
old news, something for spooks to drool over, or is it more relevant than we
think? Well, The American Conservative has written an article, “How
American Journalism Became A Mouthpiece Of The Deep State”, detailing all
the various connections that still exist and persist between the CIA and
various mainstream media outlets. Go give it a looksie if you’re curious.
However, the mainstream
media is not all there is to look at. Since the 2000s, the commercialization
and rise of the Internet has led to a very interesting, very influential new
medium for information: digital news. News websites, rather than
channels or papers, became the norm and popular. While the mainstream media
followed close behind, establishing their own websites, purely digital outlets
such as U.S. News & World Report, BuzzFeed, The Daily
Caller, and others exist. A number of the more notable and influential
left-wing outlets exist in this medium, and they have their fair share of
Establishment ties.
Now, in 2006 there was
an alliance of New Left media outlets founded called The Media Consortium. It
seems like this group has either merged into another group, or has been
disestablished, however this is not important. What is important is that this
Consortium included many important names such as Salon, The Young
Turks, Mother Jones, Center for Media and Democracy, The Nation,
and other prominent outlets. This cabal claims the attention of millions of
leftists in America and the West.
Who backs The Media
Consortium? Well, through their Pocantico Center, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund
played a very important role. Over a dozen people are listed on a
webpage of bios that the Pocantico Center has used to influence media
companies within and without the Consortium’s orbit. One person named is Jay
Harris, publisher of Mother Jones between 1991 and 2009, and is named as
a person who helped found The Media Consortium in 2006. Jo Ellen Green Kaiser,
the Consortium’s executive director, is named; she is a graduate of elitist
Yale University. One final figure is Richard Tofel, who has served as vice
president, general counsel, and secretary of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Tides Foundation is also relevant, as they, as earlier as 2011, have listed
The Media Consortium as a partner of it. Mother Jones is also listed
independently. Beyond “indy media”, “media tools” are also listed such as Media
Matters for America (mentioned before) and the
Center for American Progress, a Clinton-backed and Soros-funded think tank.
Soros has also more
directly backed the Consortium by donating $675,000 to it, along with
$485,000 to its major partner, Mother Jones.
Let us also look at Mother
Jones a bit closer, since we’re mentioning them a lot. I already mentioned
the near-half-million donated by Soros. The MacArthur Foundation, it’s been a
little while since I last mentioned them, gave Mother Jones, namely the
private foundation that backs it (the Foundation for National Progress), over $2 million between 1998 and 2021.
Furthermore, the
Capital Research Center records an additional half-million from
Soros-linked entities to Mother Jones, bringing up the total sum to
about $1 million from Soros over the last decade.
Mother Jones was also founded by
Adam Hochschild, son of business magnate Harold Hoschild.
H. Hoschild was an honorary chairman and trustee of the
Africa-America Institute, a heavily Rockefeller-, Carnegie-, and CIA-backed
institute. The
Hochschild Foundation itself has made donations to the Tides Foundation,
Greenpeace, the Ford-founded National Resources Defense Council, and other
The Daily Beast, another influential
outlet with over a million viewers a day, is worth touching on. While The
Daily Beast’s leftism might make it play itself off as a grassroots,
anti-Establishment, for-the-workers outlet, it has far more 1% - and downright
aristocratic - ties than you’d think. The Daily Beast was founded in
2008 by Barry Diller, a well-connected
media tycoonist
who married into the German Fürstenberg dynasty via his wife Diane. Diller, by
marrying Furstenburg, entered a network of European aristocrats, such as
Italian industrialist and Bilderberger Gianni Agnelli, a close friend of Henry
Kissinger and the Rockefeller syndicate. Diller chairs InterActive Corp (Beast’s
parent company), where he is joined by Chelsea
Clinton; he has also been associated with the Peter G. Peterson Foundation
since 2013 (as far as I can tell), Peterson
being a Nixon-, CFR-, and Rockefeller-connected banker. Diller also founded the
Furstenberg Family Foundation with the Furstenbergs, which has funded (along
with Soros, the Rockefellers, Fords and others) the Clinton-linked People
for the American Way Foundation.
I also want to mention,
as a last example, and briefly, The Huffington Post. This is yet another
prominent, left-leaning outlet that yields quite a bit of influence. HuffPost
was founded by Arianna Huffington. The Huffington family ties are very
interesting. Arianna was a key advisor to Newt
Gingrich (Bohemian
Grover, CFR
member, and American
Enterprise Institute fellow) before flipping so far across the spectrum
(yet without arousing suspicion). Roy
M. Huffington was an oil tycoonist (beginning with a Rockefeller company)
who was an ambassador under Bush (described as “old friend from the oil
patch”). Michael
Huffington, Roy’s son and Arianna’s husband, has been an intern for George
H.W. Bush, subcabinet defense secretary in the Reagan-Bush administration, and
banker. In addition, HuffPost employs a
Cuban spy and sponsors an investigative journalism program backed
by Soros outlets.
These several leftist
outlets we have analyzed contribute to the newsfeeds of tens of millions of
leftists daily. They influence the minds and worldviews of countless people,
who go on to influence - via their friendships - those close to them that are
not in the direct orbit of these outlets. However, once we take into account
the traditional media giants (CBS, ABC, N.Y.T., etc.) we have a near-complete
monopoly on the flow of information that means no one (in America or the West)
receives information that is not connected to the global aristocracy.
I won’t ignore the fact
that some right-wing outlets (namely Fox News, due its connection to global
aristocrat Rupert
Murdoch) have similar issues. However, the fact that right-wing outlets are
far less influential than left-wing ones, and that leftism is becoming the
predominant ideology of the Establishment, is why I am focusing on leftist
Furthermore, this
article is not solely about the media, it is about movements. Black Lives
Matter, the whole of the racial justice movement, and even AntiFa,
have some relationship to the elites. This is primarily ran by the
Rockefeller-Soros-Clinton network that has been repeatedly alluded to in this
article, and the connections of each of these guys to the Deep
State/intelligence/Establishment is laughably undeniable. The Rockefellers have
been in politics for over a century, the Clintons have been joined at the hip
to the White House since the 1990s, and Soros lines the pockets of countless
Grassroots? Oh, please.
These people and groups are so far from their roots they don’t even know what
grass is. The only green thing these people know are the dollars that pour into
their coffers from high up. As the Harvard-tied pioneer of drug culture Timothy
Leary said, “The Liberal CIA [is] the best mafia you can deal with in the 20th
century.” (Leary 1983, p. 308)
Bird, Kai. The Color of Truth: McGeorge Bundy and William Bundy – Brothers in Arms (Simon & Schuster, 1998).
Davis, Deborah. Katharine the Great: Katharine Graham and Her Washington Post Empire (Sheridan Square Press, 1991).
Leary, Timothy F. Flashbacks: An Autobiography (G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1983).
Reich, Cary. The Life of Nelson A. Rockefeller: Worlds to Conquer, 1908-1958 (Doubleday, 1996).
Saunders, Frances S. Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War (Granta Books, 1999).
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