Is Depopulation a Reality?
“WE are a plague on Earth.” These were the words of esteemed environmentalist David Attenborough. They were quite harsh and severe words, but Attenborough made defense of them, saying, “…it’s not an inhuman thing to say. It’s the case. Until humanity manages to sort itself out and get a coordinated view about the planet, it’s going to get worse and worse.”
Plagues are disgusting, hazardous, horrible things that all
humans are agreed upon deserve one single response: Eradication. If humans are
a plague, then we must be treated, and plagues are not treated until
they are eradicated, simple as. So, are humans to be eradicated? All this
misanthropic talk remind some people of the infamous Georgia
Guidestones, which reads (as its very first
commandment), “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in balance with nature.”
The whole matter at hand has been aptly termed by many as
the “depopulation agenda”. There is much talk about overpopulation, population
control, eugenics, and other related topics lately. Back in 2009, a
club of numerous aristocrats with a combined net
worth in the twelve-digit range assembled around the topic of population
control. World-renowned Microsoft founder and Deep State actor Bill
Gates is another major proponent of population control (convening
the aforementioned billionaires’ club).
I have followed the depopulation agenda for some time now.
I have been aware of the Georgia Guidestones since 10th grade, have
been suspicious of Bill Gates for a bit more recently, and even began writing a
dystopian novel about mass sterilization – very coincidentally – before COVID
started. However, all of this was mere entertainment at first, and I kept the
depopulation conspiracy theory at arm’s length. But now, is that to change?
What evidence is there for a controlled, systematic agenda
perpetrated by the global aristocracy? What trends, events, persons, and other
things can we follow/trace that might make us suspicious? Is the human race
indeed being treated as a plague by a cabal of elites, and actively being
One thing that I would believe many would point to as
evidence is the abortion
industry. Surely, the practice of abortion shows there is
something going on, yes? In America alone, tens
of millions of children have been slaughtered in
abortion clinics since Roe v. Wade. Abortion is actively practiced in
dozens of countries, and so the overall death toll is likely unfathomable.
Abortion is known to be causing declining
birth rates, additionally.
Overall, I’d say that abortion is one piece of the
puzzle, and honestly a good place to start. Again, the death toll of abortion
and its contribution to population control is good evidence. Furthermore, the
abortion industry has very neat ties to the elite, such as Bill
Gates and George
Soros. Of course, a puzzle isn’t built by one piece; even
the smallest puzzle needs two pieces.
How about we continue discussing Bill Gates, since he’s
such a fun guy? Bill Gates truly is one of the most powerful and well-connected
aristocrats in the World. Gates came from a
wealthy family that included many prominent figures
(such as his father, who was the head of abortion factory Planned Parenthood).
His mother, Mary, was an IBM executive; IBM being one of many companies that
backed the pro-eugenics
Nazi regime.
Gates is heavily involved in the vaccine industry. He is
also heavily involved in controversial and catastrophic human experimentation
via vaccines. On two occasions, in two countries, and on two huge
scales, Bill Gates backed vaccine programs in South
Africa and India
that made tens of thousands of people ill. Any legal or international clapback?
Nope, not in the slightest; Gates is still very much a free man. This
humanitarian disaster makes sense for Gates, however, as
he considers vaccines one of several methods for depopulation.
Gates is heavily involved with the
United Nations and the whole clique of globalist IGOs,
such as the
(the main agency behind COVID). It is this same United Nations (and WHO) that
was exposed (back in 2014!) for operating what was essentially a
mass sterilization program in Kenya that affected a significant
chunk of their female population. This is not the UN’s first rodeo, however, as
they also did this in the 1990s in Peru.
Gates can almost be said to be behind almost anything we
discuss in this article, due to his overwhelming presence in Big Pharma. As a
previously cited article says, Bill Gates is “the
World’s most powerful doctor.” Simply keep Gates and
his connections in mind as we expand our search into other persons and groups
of interest.
How about we discuss COVID, hmm? That is certainly a little
pest of great infamy to everyone. As I have discussed in another
article, COVID-19 has many clear signs of being a manmade
bioweapon. It is too perfectly designed, timed, and sourced of a virus. We
should know of Doctor
Fraudci’s funding of the Wuhan lab by
now, but also (and most relevantly) of his
ties to Bill Gates (along with arch-globalist Klaus Schwab).
The COVID pandemic has infected over
200 million people according to John Hopkins University
data. It is also becoming undeniable that COVID
vaccines do not work, which easily leads one to the conclusion
that the
vaccines are actually infecting people (which makes sense,
considering all vaccines contain [evidently unstable] COVID genetic material). Nearly 40% of the
World’s population (over three billion people) have been
fully vaccinated.
All this talk about COVID is important to the depopulation
agenda, trust me. Not only has COVID-19 removed millions of people from the
World, but it has done something far sinister. Throughout the pandemic, since
2020, a number of studies have expressed concern over COVID-19’s
effects on reproductive health. One such study reported
a 500% decrease in sperm concentration, one of the biggest factors in
sperm quality.
My conclusion? At the very least, over 200 million people
have been infected with a bioweapon that causes reproductive harm. At the
worst, half of the World’s population has just been unwittingly exposed
to a sterilant. The [very] Establishment-tied liberal Brookings Institute is
already chirping about a COVID-19 “baby
bust”. Time will tell, and I am confident it will tell
well, if we are living through a global mass sterilization program.
Let us move onto another agent of the depopulation agenda,
which I believe is Monsanto. Monsanto
is a powerful corporation with many ties, such as to RINO Mitt
Romney and Bill
Gates; Monsanto was chaired by Charles
Allen Thomas during the time it turned into the Big
Pharma titan it is today, and Thomas was deeply involved with the Deep State
via his work for the Manhattan Project. Monsanto is the main producer of the
chemical glyphosate,
commercially known as the weedkiller Roundup, which has been pumped into the
environment at an outstanding rate. The United States Geological Survey itself
admitted in 2011 that glyphosate was
being found in rain and water nationwide. This chemical is literally
found everywhere.
And what exactly does glyphosate do? Well, other than being
a weedkiller (meaning it is toxic to the environment), it is a peoplekiller.
Much research has proven glyphosate to be carcinogenic
and overall toxic. Symptoms relevant to our current topic
include pregnancy issues and fertility problems. However, just by killing off
people via cancer and other illnesses prove that Monsanto-based glyphosate is
depopulating the planet. You can’t escape from glyphosate’s jaws, as even
organic foods are contaminated by it (grow your own
gardens, people!) Despite the evidence for glyphosate’s toxicity, the powerful
and Deep State-controlled American
and European
governments gave Monsanto its approval.
and Gates
dominate the GMO market, which is another piece of the puzzle we can look out.
Monsanto produces 80% of genetically modified corn and 93% of genetically
modified soy. Gates, on his own terms, is snatching up farmland
across America, amassing hundreds of thousands of acres
across eighteen states; this land grab also has an international scope. Gates’
corporate involvement in synthetic, chemical, and GM foods is
well-known and very extensive. As he said to MIT in an interview in February of
2021, “I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef.”
GMOs do indeed have negative
health effects. As research has shown, a vast majority
of seeds have disappeared, and the rest now remain tightly in the hands of
pro-GMO agricultural megacorporations (like Monsanto). Genetically modified
foods have been tied to minor ailments such as gluten intolerance and digestive
issues. However, the evidence for GMOs’
effects on fertility are most important. Rats, pigs, and other
livestock/animals exposed naturally or in laboratory settings to GMOs have
shown to have fertility issues.
Our day-to-day exposure to toxins, whether wittingly
(through our foods) or unwittingly (by just breathing) is immense. Some
researchers have identified hundreds
of chemicals with negative impacts on our health that
we are exposed to daily. These toxins are in many cases carcinogens and
sterilants. Indeed, scientists out of prestigious institutions such as the Icahn
School of Medicine and Hebrew
University have documented the dramatic decline of male
reproductive health since the 1970s.
Another anomaly I wish to look into is that well-known
staple of conspiracy theories called “chemtrails”. When I first went down this
path of writing on politics, the Establishment, and current events in
2018-2019, I did not expect to end up believing in many conspiracy theories. I
believed in an elitist Establishment for sure, which was thanks to my exposure
to The Creature from Jekyll Island, but not much. Fortunately, more
research and exposure has made me realize how truly depraved our
government can be.
My change of heart regarding chemtrails was due to
independent researcher Peter
Kerby’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.
Just the introductory first chapter of this book was mind-blowing.
Particularly, this excerpt was quite illuminating (read the whole linked
chapter for more):
trolls online try to drag people into highly technical, obscure, and deceptive
arguments about the formation of contrails, simple applications of deductive
reasoning show that we are being sprayed. When two jet airplanes fly at a
similar altitude, why is it that one will emit a persistent trail while the
other does not? The fuels are not different. Jet fuel, like gasoline, is
standardized. How does a trail appear behind one engine of an airplane, but
not the other engine? How does a plane fly along emitting a trail that
persists, then abruptly stop emitting a trail, then abruptly start again?
It is safe to assume that the engine is not being turned off and on. Why is it
that one day the sky will be full of lines in every direction and then the next
day there will be none, even though the weather is identical? Why do
the lines in the sky often not follow common flight paths? Your author has
witnessed all these things, and you can too.” (Emphasis added.)
I personally believe that cities and peri-urban areas are most
exposed to chemtrails since these places have the highest exposure to air
traffic. While some
graphics might make it appear like the whole World is choked
by aircraft, the reality is the atmosphere is a large place, and after taking
off planes get very spread out. Plus, not every plane is going to be rigged, for
financial and confidentiality purposes. Furthermore, the vast
majority of people/the human gene pool is/are packed into
cities, meaning the spritzing of urbanites gives you more bang for your buck.
Whatever the specifics, chemtrails are everywhere, just as this
image from space shows.
All this said and done, do chemtrails really affect our
health/fertility? As Peter Kirby even says in his book, climate engineering
seems to be the backbone for chemtrails, not depopulation. Well, never trust
what the government says a project is for. According to many chemtrail
researchers, the three primary ingredients in them are: Aluminum, barium, and
are the health impacts of these chemicals? Overwhelmingly
negative. Aluminum has neurological impacts such as
Alzheimer’s and dementia (both of which are becoming highly prevalent in
America) and barium induces pulmonary health issues (COPD, asthma, and other
similar illnesses are
also spreading; I can even give anecdotal evidence to
that same effect). Another
chapter of Peter Kirby’s book looks into the medical
consequences of chemtrail spraying, and analyzes aluminum, barium, mercury, and
other chemicals. Furthermore, present in all these chemicals is the brief
mention of reproductive health issues.
I stated before, most people in urban areas are probably the most exposed to
chemtrails. Chemtrails are probably a [confidential] component of air
pollution. I personally live close to several airports and airbases and see a
good number of airplanes go overheard, and chemtrails. Indeed, air
pollution is an excellent vector for sterilization, as over
100 million Americans and five
billion humans are at-risk due to air pollution.
While I could discuss some other asserted mediums of population
control, such as water chemicalization (i.e., fluoride) or 5G, I believe these
are circumstantial and serve other purposes rather than depopulation. Fluoride
seems to be primarily a
neurotoxin focused on making the public, of which a majority is
fluoridated, obedient via dumbening. Regarding 5G, I acknowledge that constant
exposure to technology is harmful, but I think this has
more to do with the
cyberpunk transhumanist agenda and the
Digital Babylon than anything (see
5G health effects are a welcomed secondary to the Elite.
In summary, the examined phenomena in this article have
shown that there certainly is a war against human fertility. At least, it seems
like that. Through vaccines, food, the very air we breathe, we are being –
verifiably – exposed to a number of poisons that either kill us or sterilize
us. The globalist World Economic Forum has morbidly declared, “Bye,
bye baby,” and shown how globally there is a decrease in
birth rates. The push to industrialize Africa (UN,
and shove it through a demographic transition, which will collapse birth rates,
is indicative of the global extent of this (in contrast to any “White genocide”
conspiracy which hyperfixates the issue on one part/ethnicity of the World).
In April of 1974, National Security Memorandum 200, titled “Implications of
Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests”
was commissioned by Gerald Ford (Nixon’s
VP) at the behest of global aristocrat Henry Kissinger. This memorandum
contains a variety of gems, but most importantly are these two:
“Wherever a lessening of population
pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such
stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the
economic interests of the United States.” (PDF page 43.)
“A far larger, high-level effort is needed
to develop a greater commitment of leaders of both developed and developing
countries to undertake efforts, commensurate with the need, to bring population
growth under control.” (PDF page 121.)
is one of the most prominent of the global aristocrats. Dutch researcher Joël
van der Reijden places Henry Kissinger at the top of his index
of global aristocrats, which is formulated based upon the
degree of involvement with various Deep State milieux and actors. Kissinger’s ties
lead to the Rockefellers, first and foremost, and the network of intelligence
community and military-industrial complex assets that go out from there.
Kissinger’s promotion of population control (a
byword for eugenics) is not isolated, therefore, and leads
back into the
network of Elite-backed eugenics.
all, it was the late Prince Philip, patriarch of one of the most powerful
Euro-American Establishment dynasties, who said, “I must confess that I am tempted
to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus.” It was also his
peculiar son, Charles,
who just appeared at the COP26 demanding military action to combat so-called
climate change. The royals certainly have never cared
for the common rabble.
of all the evidence shown above – (A) the mass exposure the public to
sterilants; (B) the elitist ties to the depopulation/eugenics agenda – I
believe the most reasonable conclusion is that, yes, depopulation is
real. Our water, air, and veins are coursing with chemical concoctions that are
killing us or sterilizing us. Birth rates are collapsing, and the Y chromosome
is vanishing. Yet, the Elite continues to live
glamorously while ordering
to live monastically. It is only a matter of time before we see the effects of
decades of mass poisoning, and the Baby Boom reverses with stunning intensity.
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